Ch. 22 Unsettled.

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When I woke up from my dreamless sleep, my whole body was aching and my alarm was basically screaming at me. School. Honestly, I didn't feel like going. I'd text Angel later and tell him why. I'm sure my mother would understand because you know, I was abducted. 

Getting out of bed, my legs were sore, and I laggardly walked to downstairs and my mom was eating breakfast. "Mom I want to stay home from school." I stated, she looked at me in confusion, "Why?" She asked, "Seriously?" I responded, I couldn't keep the sarcasm out of my voice. Mom arched her brow at my tone. "Seriously." She stated, and I rolled my eyes, "I was abducted remember? I was gone for a while." I explained, she got a little mad. 

"Just because you aren't getting your way doesn't mean you have to speak down to me." She snapped, "What? How am I -" She cut me off, "You'd better be ready for school by the time I'm finished with my cereal." 

"Mom, I was abducted, I want to stay home." I pleaded, she narrowed her eyes, "I don't want to hear about this stupid abduction story you've come up with." She snapped. I froze in hurt and surprise. She seemed genuinely confused and mad. Did she really not know what happened to me? Feeling the tears forming, I walked back up to my room, and got dressed for school. I wore one of the only things my dad left behind, a black sweater that was too big on me, and worn out jeans. I really didn't want go any where. Depression was forming a stone in my chest, making it heavy. 

"You could've been happier with me." I heard a voice say, looking over in surprise, I saw my full-body mirror, instead of me being there it was Nix. He was smirking. My whole body was paralyzed in fear but when I blinked he was gone, and I figured it was just drowsiness. Going downstairs, mom watched as I trudged out into the cold, and started walking. Surprisingly Angel was waiting by the little fence by my house. He turned as I approached and despite my mood a smile curled onto my lips at the sight of him. His lips curled into a playful smile as well. 

I could've been impaled through the abdomen and if I saw him, I'd still smile. 

"Morning." He greeted as I stepped from my yard and we started walking. My smile stayed planted on my lips as I noticed he was wearing the scarf I gave him. "Good morning, not so be rude, but why are you at my house?" I asked, he smiled, "Well I'm your bodyguard now." He stated playfully, I arched my brow, but it was interrupted by me stumbling through a random drop in the snow. Angel caught me. Smooth, he says something flirty and you trip over a pile of snow. You can become an all powerful being and still trip over snow. Reeall smooth Twelve, I thought. "Since the abduction I figured that if Nix knows about you, he can't be the only one." Angel explained as we walked. I nodded along, but I couldn't really make direct eye contact with him. Every time I did I remembered our kiss and nearly died of shyness. 

That's right, your insanely strong, prophecy-fulfilling Halfling gets embarrassed over a simple kiss. I know, I wish I wouldn't either. 

When I came back into reality I saw Angel smiling at me. "What? Do I have something on me?" I asked, "Besides you're beautiful shy smile? No." He answered, and my eyes widened in surprise. "Angel!" I exclaimed, his grin widened. My hands went to my face even though I knew my heart beat gave it away. "I despise this whole Halfling thing where you get to hear my heartbeat but I can't hear your's." I grumbled. Angel laughed a little. "Me too, it takes a while to get to sleep when you hear everyone's heart beating." He commented, and I looked at him. He looked at me, his eyes were a light blue and I silently wondered about him. Even though he knew about me, Angel was still an enigma. 

"Yes?" He asked, instead of saying anything, I felt a little smile dance on my lips. "Here." I adjusted his scarf a little. "It should be more comfortable that way." Before Angel could comment we reached the school.

"Angel?" I asked, he looked at me, and I was going to ask him about what happened between us. About the kiss and stuff. But as if he could reach my thoughts he smiled, and silently laced my fingers through his. Despite the freezing outside, his hands were still warm.

Together, we walked into the school.

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