Ch. 34 Training.

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When I woke up, with the sword next to my bed, everyone had questions. And I knew I had to tell the truth, though for some reason, part of me wanted to lie. That part confused me. Everyone listened intently as I recanted the tale of everything from the night previous. For a moment everyone was silent, "Do you still need training?" Raven asked, I nodded. "I'd assume so, everyone has to practice."

We were all in our gear in the field. Angel stood, offering a hand. "Let's test your skill." He stated, I took his hand and he helped me up. "Seriously?" I asked. Raven shrugged, interjecting, "He's our best sword fighter, I'm more of a spear person, Jessica's good with bows. So yeah, let's see your skill." Sighing, I felt nerves coiled up inside me like a deadly serpent waiting to strike. Angel pulled out a silver cylinder, and with the flick of his wrist two gleaming blades extended from both ends. "Well," I pulled out my own blade, it still fit my palm perfectly, but made itself more long and slender, "that's new."

Guess the sword really did mend itself to suit my needs. Twirling my wrist a little bit, I got in a stance that should've been foreign to me but came naturally. Angel launched fearlessly, and I froze until the very last second. With precision, I twirled out of the way, using his momentum, my foot connected with his back. He stumbled, and turned, but I was bombarding him with blows. His blade was good for defense, and he deflected my blade, but I could tell my attack surprised him. Soon, it proved I was getting no where, but I managed to get him tired, worn down. Launching back, his blade barely grazed my torso, once again I'd barely dodged.

Angel was panting, but I was just getting started. Energy reserves kicking in, he lashed out. Using the leg armor, I put myself in a diagonal position. Using my shin I kicked upwards, hitting the blade barreling to me, with my sword I hit the other. The force of the move sent him backwards. Dropping one down and using the other, I kicked the cylindrical part of his blade between his hands, the force hurt my leg and I knew there'd be a bruise, still it worked. He was forced to let go, his blade went flying, and I pressed the sharp of my blade to his throat, we were both panting.

Raising his hands in surrender, his brows were raised. "Guess you do have skill." He stated, I nodded, then suddenly he pulled out a pocket knife, sending a kick, he hit my wrist, my blade fell. Then using his free hand, he grabbed my forearm, twirling me so my back pressed against his chest, and the blade was against my throat. "However, you always need a backup plan." His words were breathy, Angel was impressively experienced with combat. "Do I?" I asked, grabbing his forearm, I judo-flipped him, he let out a breath of air as his back collided with the ground, but he got up quickly, and I grabbed my sword.

He smiled, in a different stance with his pocketknife. "Nice move." He stated, I smiled back sheepishly, "Honestly, I think it's pretty cool." We circled each other, and when I got near his blade, I kicked. Angel barely ducked in time to dodge his own flying blade, and it imbedded itself in a tree far away behind him. "I could've been decapitated." He stated, "Your reflexes are better than that."

"What if they weren't?"

"Calculated risk," I answered, shrugging. He smiled, "Good to know nearly decapitating your boyfriend is a just a calculated risk." A smile formed on my face, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Raven and Jessica exchange a teasing look as they left the field. No training would get done today. "I'm sure every boyfriend has to go through near decapitation." I teased, he smiled wider. "You're blushing." He teased, I rolled my eyes, "So are you."

We did a deadly dance, waiting for an opening. They weren't gaining any ground. Suddenly, Angel launched, deflecting his knife I had to go on defensive he slashed twirling around me in a flurry of attacks I could hardly keep up with, and finally I got tired of it. Sticking my foot out, I tripped him, and he stumbled. Using the flat of my blade I struck his dagger, it fell, but he expected that and with a well planned roundhouse kick, my blade went flying out of my hands. We both dove for his dagger, well he dove, and I tackled him. Somehow I managed to grab the pocket knife. Rolling, I was on top of him by the end, and with our closeness I actually saw his face flushed.

Angel was flustered, and so was I.

Pressing the blade to his throat, I sat up. "I win." I stated, he smiled, tossing the blade to the side, he pulled me close. He pressed his lips lightly against mine, and pulled back. I was completely flushed, he smiled widely, freckles of blush dotting his face as well.

"Let's get out of here." He stated.

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