Ch. 3 Paint.

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As I sat up, my bed sheets rustled and I looked around. My alarm was going off, and as I looked around my room. Something

But I couldn't quite place my finger on what it was. In fact I felt like my mind was missing something. All I remembered from last night was laying down in bed, but nothing else. Why did I feel so weird? Sitting up, I winced. I was lightheaded, and had a slight headache. Looking around once more I realized something. My window was open. I didn't remember opening my window...

Shaking off the feeling I quickly raked a comb through my hair, and changed into some black skinny jeans and a beige sweater. Grabbing my bag and sloppily shoving my papers in it, I threw it over my shoulder and raced down the stairs. It's a long walk to school, I'm already late basically. Closing and locking the front door behind me, I started hurrying to school.

Just as I stepped into class I tripped over my shoelaces and face planted whilst the bell rang. Everyone giggled at my clumsiness, and I didn't really have time to be flustered or wallow in self pity. I ran to school while it was drizzling, so I was damp, I was tired, and this headache was just getting worse. Getting up, I ran my fingers through my damp and freshly tangled hair before collapsing into a seat next to Angel. He glanced at me as I leaned forward and pressed my hands against my forehead.

"Hey Twelve are you alright?" He asked once Ms. Gomez gave us permission to talk. I shook my head, "Ever since last night I've had a bad headache." I answered, leaning back and looking over at him. He gave me a sympathetic, "Hey I have an... odd question for you," I said, looking at him. He arched his brow ever so slightly as an indication for me to ask away.

"Do you ever get this feeling like you're forgetting something really important? Like REALLY important?" I asked, he furrowed his brow, "Do you mean like forgetting homework important...?" I shook my head, "No, not like that. More than that, you know what, forget it. Maybe I'm just being weird." I rambled, letting out a frustrated sigh. "No, try to explain it to me." He insisted, "It's like I have an itch in my brain that I can't scratch, like reaching for a light switch in the dark and not being able to find it. I know it's there I just can't tell what it is." My irritation was evident in my voice. Angel was obviously concerned. "No, I haven't." He answered slowly.

I let out a little breath of annoyance, "Well it's whatever. We should really be focusing on our english project." I stated, turning to him. We were actually making good progress, until the bell rang. We gathered our things. "Maybe you can come over to my place, and we can finish it." Angel offered, I paused in surprise. "Um, yeah sure. Let's meet after school." I offered, he nodded before swiftly leaving the room.

The day was normal, except for gym. My last period. After getting back to locker room, my backpack was gone. I thanked god I hadn't changed out of my regular clothes. But my backpack was definitely stolen. And I knew who stole it. Raven.

She did it frequently when I wasn't paying her enough attention.

Walking out to the football field, I saw my backpack stuffed underneath the bleachers. I grabbed it, praying Angel didn't get pissed at me being late to meet up with him and leave the school already. My head was killing me, I was annoyed, musty from the stupid rain, and overall just pissed off. Stepping from around the bleachers, Raven and her two servants waited for me smiling. And I was cornered. They all had buckets in their hands.

Raven smiled, "Don't worry Twelve dear. To be on the cheer team all you need is a little bit of color," glancing down I saw all the buckets were filled with different colored paints. Instead of trying to make a show of running when I knew it was futile, I just hung my head, and waited.

But it never happened.

I heard the buckets move, the paint hit the grass of the field, but not me.

Slowly looking up I sat a tall, dark figure in front of me. My eyes widened in shock as I realized the tall figure in front of me was Angel. I had no idea how he got in front of me that quickly. Before I could do anything, I heard the cheer girls spluttering in surprise. We all stood there until I stammered, "O-oh my god Angel, are you alright?" He turned, his face wasn't hit but his clothes were covered in it. He gave me a swift nod before turning back around and staring Raven dead in the eye.

"I can assure you that a certain someone will be made aware of this." His voice was quiet but demanding. Instilling fear in everyone around him.

"Please," Raven whispered.

"You'd better leave, now." He finished, her and her two friends hurried off, and Angel turned to look at me. His expression softened as he completely turned around.

"Are you alright Twelve?" He asked, inspecting me. The question made sense because I felt the pressure of tears pressing against my eyes. "Twelve?" He asked in concern as a single tear slipped out from my eye. Shaking my head, I wiped the tear away, shaking my head. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked, gently resting his hand on my shoulder, before he could say anything. I hugged him. Covering my clothes in paint too. He went stiff in surprise. Luckily my neck was at his shoulder so my face didn't get covered. Slowly, he awkwardly hugged me back. I pulled away, laughing a little.

"Sorry, it's just no one has ever really stood up for me like that before." Even Jessica isn't around to defend me that much. Angel stared down at me in surprise, he actually looked flustered.

"At least we're matching now I quess." We both looked down at our clothes. Which were both covered in paint. When we looked back up at each other, I noticed Angel smiling a little.

He shrugged, "Let's go. Do you have a change of clothes?" He asked, "My jeans aren't really covered, it's just my shirt and I have my gym shirt in here." I shrugged.

As we walked off, I noticed that tiny smile still planted on his face.

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