Ch. 16 Go Ahead.

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When I first woke up, my whole body was tingling. Blinking blearily, I was in the back of a van. The guy from school was harshly shoving my sleeves up as if it was urgent, as if he was running out of time. His dark eyes were cold and calculating. My head felt fuzzy and I was hardly able to blink, much less try to fight against him. He was so cold.

So cold.

His hands hurt. They were so cold, and they were hurting me. The panic was starting to drizzle in but I still couldn't move. Either he didn't know I was awake or he didn't care. Finally he ripped my sleeve completely off to reveal to mark E had left on me. Suddenly he went almost completely still except for the unsettling, eerie smile that tugged on his lips like he was a demented puppet. Finally he looked up, and his eyes left my heart pounding in fear. The smile was still planted on his face. "You are exactly what I was looking for." He leaned in, his lips were shut but the smile was still there, everything was blurry. He got close, less than an inch away. "Just wait." He whispered, but it sounded more like he was talking to himself.

Finally he pressed a cloth back to my face, and I blacked out again.

Once more I woke up, this time I was completely alone. The back to the van was warm and dark. My wrists were bound behind me, and I struggled not to panic. This time I was completely clear headed. So instead I tried to recount what happened. This weird guy showed up at my school, Angel told me to stay away from him and tried to protect me from him. Then I stepped out of the school building, and he abducted me evidently. E and Angel tried to save me, but it was too late. I sucked in a breath and I wanted to scream, but I knew better. This guy was obviously not human. Humans have heartbeats. My ankles were bound too, and I crept to the back of the van as quickly as possible while still being silent. Praying he couldn't hear me. That's when an idea appeared in my mind.

I was not going to be able to escape, I'd have to leave Angel a trail. The window on the back of the van was open slightly, probably so I wouldn't suffocate. Struggling to be silent, I started shoving one of my boots off. Finally I managed to get one off, and used my feet to shove it out of the window. It toppled out, and I heard shuffling in the front of the van. Instantly I started hyperventilating as I huddled against the van doors.

Sickening laughter erupted from the front making me panic more, and I squeezed my eyes shut as I shivered in fear.

Finally I fainted from my fast paced breaths.

Once again, I woke up, and he was standing at the open van doors. His eyes held a dangerous glint. "Why?" I asked breathlessly, it was all I could manage. He grinned maliciously, "It's a demon eat demon world." My heart nearly stopped. Angel warned me this would happen to Halflings, demons hunt them down. "Don't worry, our trip is over." He added in a sinister tone. I had a feeling more than just the trip would be over. He reached forward, grabbing the bindings around my ankles and yanking me towards him with inhuman strength. So cold. Greed was painted in every feature of his face, he smiled at me like I was gold. Something to be obtained. "Looks like you lost your shoe." He obviously didn't care as he hauled me out of the car by my hair. Pain rocketed through me.

He threw me onto the ground, and I was in a forest of sorts. Effortlessly he broke the bindings on my ankles and wrists, hauling me to my feet. I stared at him, "Go ahead, run. It'll make this more fun." Adrenaline raced through me. He was going to kill me. 

This was my only chance to scream for help, and I knew I wouldn't disobey his command. I needed to run. Looking over, I tried to inspect the driver's side of his car. "Don't even think about it Goldie Locks, I'll kill you before you can touch the handle." He stated menacingly. He took one step towards me and that's all it took. I was off. Hoping that maybe my Halfling abilities would kick in and I'd be able to escape.

They didn't, my clumsiness didn't disappear and the missing boot didn't help. Low hanging branches sliced open thin cuts along my arms, the foot that was in a boot was blistering, the other was being stabbed by various things. I ignored the pain and kept running, but I knew he was fast approaching which just made me try to run faster. Even though I knew it was futile, I was yelling. Maybe someone would help. Looking forward, I noticed a river with a strong current that I was approaching. Maybe if I jumped in that and held onto something... Before I could complete the idea, he caught up, slamming my up against a tree.

Pain erupted from my back. He smiled, he was less than an inch away from me. He was too strong. "You smell amazing," he sounded breathless with temptation. His grip on me was so cold it hurt, and he leaned in. Then it occurred to me. He was a vampire, my heart nearly exploded in panic, and I knew it was futile to struggle. I was going to die.

He licked my neck, and I shivered. So cold.

The lick was as if he was marking where he wanted to bite first. Right on the nape of my neck, and I was right. The pain was the worst pain I'd ever experienced in my life and I let out gargled scream as he slowly sank his fangs into my flesh. I could feel everything he was doing, the blood dripping from my body, his fangs extending in my skin. And I slammed my eyes shut, I don't want to die. Suddenly he let out a yelp of pain and pulled back harshly, ripping the wounds open further. Blood was covered his mouth except it was turning a weird black color. I also heard sizzling, like it was burning him. Quickly I looked down and my eyes widened. He bit on the left half.


He stared at me, his eyes livid. The blood was acting like flesh eating acid, and all he could do was stand stunned in panic as it burned through his flesh. "I'll kill you," he managed through his seared off lips. My eyes were widened and all the sudden I heard a shout. Out of no where two shadowy figures launched at him. He was pinned against a tree, but his gaze never left me. One of the shadowy figures gripped me with a tightly. When I say shadow, I mean shadow. It was vaguely male, with dark, quite literally obsidian colored skin, hair, nails. The only thing that wasn't completely pitch, ink black was his eyes, they were a startling yellow. He smiled, and his teeth were pure ivory white fangs. Not even teeth, each one looked sharper and more dangerous than the next.

Surprise pounded through me and I heard a stern male's voice say, "Keep the merchandise in prime condition," Seemingly out of nowhere, a boy around my age stepped from the shadows, he had tanned skin, black hair, and black colored eyes. He was muscular with impressive features. Demons are kind of like those frogs you find in the rain forest, beautiful and extremely poisonous. "Oh, poor poor Alexander," The boy pulled out with looked like an old fashioned, bronze revolver. He glanced at me, and his eyes went to the bite mark still dripping blood. "Not only have you been a bad little demon, you've been a stupid one too. Disobeying my organization, and biting her left side. At least now that those lips are seared off I won't have to listen to your ignorant tone ever again." He raised his revolver, aiming easily at the vampire. "You know what happens to bad demons." The boy smirked, and I winced, squeezing my eyes shut as the shoot rang off.

Still, I opened my eyes too soon because I saw the vampire, with a hole in his head, blood dripping from it, and a lifeless expression. The boy's demon soldiers let his body fall to the ground as if he was just trash.

The boy turned to me with a stunning, impish grin.

"You're coming with me sweetheart."

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