Ch. 1 What Can Go Wrong?

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It was the first week of Twelfth grade, and Raven was already itching up my spine trying to get me to join cheer. I've managed to trip over everything and it's only Friday. So there will be many more months of tripping over myself. Not to mention we're playing (insert horrified shudder here) dodge ball in gym today. So I'm basically a dead man walking. But it's the beginning of 1st period, and you may be asking, what can go wrong?

My answer?


When I stepped into class, Raven was already giving me what I call her satan glare, and once again I'd been in a rush in the morning, and I'd forgotten to tie my shoelaces. Of course we were in our small advanced english class of about 18 students, and so I sat in the very back, by a window. Today it was raining so the bugs were seeking shelter. And a very particularly horrifying one decided to seek shelter at my desk.

Whilst only managing to trip slightly when I walked to my desk, it was what happened when I sat down that ruined my whole day. I saw a flitting movement on my backpack when I placed it beside my desk, and froze in horror. As I looked down, I saw the hairy critter on my bag. A huge ass tarantula gazed back up at me. It felt like my limbs were drenched in ice water and it was impossible to move. Until I completely let out a show stopping, dragon screech of terror, and basically somersaulted out of my desk. But if you know anything about me, you know I can't somersault, especially in untied shoelaces.

So my hip hit the side of a desk as I rolled over it, ready to set my bag on fire. Pain stemmed through my obviously bruised hip, and when I sat up, my morning got even worse.

I had managed to leap, quite literally, across the classroom, and when I looked up I saw him.

The him I never thought I'd see again. I instantaneously recognized that oddly attractive, choppy black hair, and worn black hoodie. I absently stared wide eyed before the teacher snapped, "What is wrong with you Twelve?"

"T-there was a tarantula at my desk." I stammered, cupping my injured hip, and wincing as I stood up and tripped slightly again. Everyone started murmuring as they noticed the big furry reincarnation of death itself slowly crawling up my desk.

Abruptly he stood up, everyone staring at him in surprise.

"There's no need to panic." He murmured in that deep, husky, quiet voice. Somehow, every time I saw him, all I could wonder was what he was trying to hide. Confidently he strode over to the creature, opening the window slightly, despite the teacher directly ordering him not to.

"Angel, stop, I'm your teacher and I'm telling you not to do this!" She hissed.

So that was his name.


I like that name.

He effortlessly scooped up the spider in his bare hands, and it made no move to attack. I watched in a mixture of awe and terror as he easily let the spider outside, and closed the window. Everyone was staring at him, not knowing what to do. Even Ms. Gomez, who was obviously torn between scolding him and not doing anything at all.

Angel effortlessly, scooped up my bag, handing it to me. Wordlessly, he sat back down, leaving everyone speechless, before Ms. Gomez snapped, "Twelve find a seat, and Angel that was highly dangerous, next time I tell you not to do something, obey me or it's straight to main office for you." She snapped. I sat at the desk nearest to me, which also happened to be right next to Angel's. He gave Ms. Gomez a look that said, whatever. Sitting next to him I was already intimidated. Like I said, everything about him was just, unapproachable.

We made brief eye contact before I quickly looked away. Honestly, we looked like opposites. My skin was sunkissed, a trait from my mother, and about the only trait I had from her. I was about 5'7 now, and gangly, with huge, doe like, almond shaped eyes that were an ominous dark brown, with a button nose, sharp cheek bones, and puffy, curvy lips. My hair was also a natural bleach blonde. All of those traits I got from my dad. But I don't really know my dad. He disappeared  sometime after my second birthday. Mom says he was a beautiful man, and that she could never understand why he left. It's obvious it took a toll on her, but she's strong.

Usually I wore neutral colors, in an attempt to blend in. To Raven however, I stood out no matter how hard I tried not to.

Ms. Gomez continued to lecture us about the dangers of picking up tarantulas by hand before she switched back to english. She said we'd be doing a partner project and Raven smirked at me. She had tan skin, black hair, and dark eyes. She was always my partner for school projects because she knew I had no one else to run to, and because we partnered so much our teachers assumed we were friends and partnered us together. So yeah, basically, living hell. Raven is so hot and cold. Telling me I'm beautiful and dumping a tray of food down my shirt hot and cold.

Averting my gaze, Ms. Gomez stated, "I'll be assigning you partners." Hope flitted around in my chest, maybe I'd be paired with Jessica. She was an amazing soccer player and really nice to me. She calls me Kiddo sometimes, and will even chase Raven off if she notices her bothering me. I made eye contact with her. Jessica has smooth, chocolate skin, with her hair always tied up, beautiful, enticing dark brown eyes, curvy lips, and a kick ass attitude. She gave me a smile, which I tentatively returned. Jessica always stood up for me, ever since she saw Raven shove me into a locker while I was walking and in the process I managed to hit my head really hard and bust my lip. Jessica was an amazing gal.

I awaited for my partner to be called with a mixture of dread and eagerness. But then my usual luck backhanded me across the face.

"Twelve, you'll be paired with Angel."

Angel and I exchanged a look and I felt my stomach drop.

What can go wrong?

Literally everything.

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