Ch. 19 Wings.

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When I woke up, I was surprised to hear a really loud explosion. I shot out of the bed, grateful I'd fallen asleep in my clothes. Hastily I yanked on the only shoes I had, those heeled boots. Throwing open the door, another explosion made me freeze in surprise, what was happening? Still, I pushed on. Knowing I shouldn't put myself in the line of fire if there were explosions, I went to the small room Nix had shown me. Figuring it'd be good shelter.

Closing and locking the door, I picked up a small leather bound journal I saw. Opening the yellowed pages, I froze in horror. My name was in this journal, flipping through my horror kept increasing. Experiment Twelve, the rare halfling. As I flipped the page, my heart sank in horror. There was a picture of me walking out of school, it was completely in color, the label underneath it said, Experiment Twelve. Before I could continue, I heard my name shouted in a familiar voice, "Twelve!"


I surprised myself by hesitating. Quickly I tucked the journal in between the jeans and my stomach, my shirt hiding it. Quickly as possible without tripping I hurried out of the room. "Angel!" I screamed, ducking underneath two shadowy figures fearlessly. I ran into a large clearing, it looked like a ware house, except there were two huge gaping holes in the wall, with cement rubble everywhere. E was fighting multiple shadow figures, but it was hardly a fight. E held a blade that seemed to be composed of pure light, it would barely graze a shadow figure and the figure would dissipate. But his eyes held so much livid fury, I was scared just looking at him.

"Twelve!" Angel yelled, I looked over at him, he was practically weaponless but the wasn't deterring him as he easily pummeled the shadow figures. His movements were smooth, and poise, as if practiced multiple times. I wondered how much Angel really did train. His smooth, neon yellow gaze landed on me, "Duck!" He shouted and I didn't hesitate to obey. Two arms barely missed grabbing me, and I quickly scrambled away, cursing my shoes. Sadly, I have no combat training. My mom did show me how to shoot, but that didn't exactly work for close range.

Tripping, I crawled as fast I could to get up, and saw the silver gleam of a gun. I heard a yelp, a blade had pierced Angel's skin. Anger coursed through me, and I grabbed the gun. I nearly dropped it cause my palms were met with an intense, sizzling burn, but I ignored it. Aiming the gun, I shot the figure attacking Angel and it dissipated. Angel stared at me in surprise, and I dropped the gun. My palms were bleeding. What was on that gun?

Suddenly my ankle was grabbed and I screamed, kicking and yelping. My fingers scraping against the floor, attempting to find anything to help me. My injured hand wrapped around a dagger of sorts, and I just threw it. The figure ducked, and as it did, I kicked upward. Surprised by my own reflexes. As I kicked with all the strength in my leg, the thing dissipated and the inertia of my leg moving sent me falling backwards and my head hit the concrete.

Angel let out a string of curses, and I stumbled up. His shirt was gone, and he had huge black wings protruding from his back, they were beautiful raven's wings. They were also surprisingly large, if he tried to let those things out in a building they'd hit the ceiling. My head pounded as I stood. Smooth Twelve, I thought surveying the chaos around me. My head was pounding and suddenly I saw a demon strangling Angel, E was being surrounded, and I felt frustration crawling under my skin. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nix approaching me. "Stop!" I screamed, of course no one listened, and my anger increased. Angel was losing his battle, and I wouldn't let that happen. "I said stop!" My voice suddenly got inhumanely loud and took on a more demonic sounding tone. Everyone looked at me in surprise, and I felt something itching under my skin.

Like something was trying to get out, Angel's eyes widened in horror as something did erupt from my back.
Huge golden wings, ten times larger than Angel's erupted from my back. They were soaked in my blood, considering they sort of exploded from my back, but the pain didn't bother me. My body was oddly numb. It felt like my skin was glowing, my wings started flapping slightly as my feet lifted from the ground. Angel, E, and Nix were all frozen in surprise. Even Nix's minions. I didn't care, they were below me. I was more. I was all knowing, all powerful. I got higher and higher off the ground, and vaguely I heard a bullet fire. Before it could reach me, I extended my arm, palm facing outward, towards the bullet. It froze midair, and I looked at the shadow figure who fired it.

"Bad. Idea." Were my only two words. Raising my other arm, my hand formed a delicate fist, and the demon was crushed into a ball of shadow in an instant. When my fist uncurled, black ashes fell to the ground. "Get a taste of your own medicine." I stated, my voice was different than usual, and I loved it. I felt so powerful, so free. Like I could fly away and never be disturbed by these mundane things ever again. But I vaguely remembered a dark haired boy, the dark haired boy who cared about me. The dark haired boy who I'd never let get hurt. With the flick of my wrist, the bullet went flying, and buried itself in the forehead of a nearby demon, but it didn't stop there. It kept going, soon, in just a few seconds, all the demons fell lifeless to ground.

"Twelve," I heard a breathless voice say, looking down it was the dark haired boy I recalled. He was staring at me, his lips parted in surprise. "You're hurt," I stated, I sensed his pain. This boy must be powerful to still be standing with all this pain in him. Lowering myself, my feet lightly touched the ground. "Who is Twelve?" I asked gently as I approached the boy. I wasn't Twelve, I was Tarasynoria. All powerful, heaven and earth in one. The boy seemed awe-struck as I approached him.

"You're hurt." I stated, walking closer, he was trembling from the pain. His head inclined in a bow and I shook my head, "You, you don't have to bow," he looked at me in surprise, his wings folded back, and I reached forward. "You're important." My fingertips trailed down his neck and light projected under his skin. Like a flashlight under his skin. "The pain is gone." He murmured, it was like a light show under his skin, and he rested his hand atop mine, gently. Warmth went through my whole body and I remembered.
"Angel." I whispered, he looked at me. Nothing but affection his gaze. "Twelve, come back." He whispered, in a soft voice only I could hear. The sentence resonated with in me and it was like someone flipped the off-switch. My whole body released a shudder, and suddenly, I blacked out.

When I woke up, Angel was leaning against a wall breathing shallowly and I had a vague memory of something bright. Nothing else. Just something bright. Looking over I saw E and Nix. Fighting. It was a man to man, well in this case, demon to demon battle. And E was winning. "I trusted you." E snapped, effortlessly roundhouse kicking Nix in the jaw. Nix went flying, his back hit the wall with a sickening snap, and he slid down, a blood trail left behind him. Nix's face was bloodied and bruised, he still smiled. "Trust is for fools," Nix growled, and E pulled silver daggers from his dress pants. "Well no one will put trust in your ever again after this." E stated, and I realized what was happening.

"No!" I shouted, scrambling up, Angel's eyes shot open, and Nix's smile widened. "You can't kill him," I stated breathlessly. "Why not?" E asked, "He knows," I let out a few pants, I was exhausted for some reason, "he knows who my father is." E's expression morphed into something beyond fury as the words exited my mouth, beyond simple anger. So terrifyingly livid it was indescribable, and without a moments hesitation he threw the blades. "NO!" I screamed, Angel's arms locked around my waist before I could launch at E. "Calm down," he whispered, but I didn't.

"You killed him!" I screamed, blood bubbled out of Nix's mouth, one blade had pierced his skull, the other his neck. "You killed my only chance!" I screamed, my voice filled with sadness, and anger. The only chance to know who my father is. The only chance.

E's face didn't change as he looked at me. "HOW COULD YOU!?" I demanded, still struggling in Angel's hold.
"You will never know who your father is and that is final!" He shouted, throwing his last blade in frustration. It sank through the cement floor like it was butter and not concrete. My whole body went limp in hurt as E stared back at me with a merciless expression. "You will never know who he his." He repeated, and before I could even say anything, he vanished in a flurry of white petals. Angel supported me as my whole body just seemed to give out.

Angel pulled me closer, and exhaustion seeped into my bones.

Before he could say anything, I passed out.

Just to add a little update... WE'RE TWO PEOPLE AWAY FROM OUR GOAL :D mentally prepare yourselves for the awesomeness of Angel!

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