Ch. 9 E.

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Angel and I walked to my house, both of us shivering and covered in snow. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, his nose was flushed pink, and his cheeks were a rosy color. It was actually really cute. With his hands stuck in his pockets and his shoulders scrunched up, he looked so cute. "I hate getting the snow in my hair." He grumbled, unlike him I wore a scarf and a beanie so no snow-on-scalp contact for me. He shook his head and snowflakes flew off, and more took their place. As we stopped at the little fence that surrounded my front yard and looked at Angel. His expression made me laugh. He looked so grumpy, it was cute.

"What?" He asked, his eyes were a light blue as he stared down at me. I reached up and tugged my beanie off, wiping the snow off of his head, and then I quickly shoved it on. Effortlessly I tugged off my scarf, and put it on him. Tugging it over his mouth, I smiled. "There, better?" I asked, he didn't have to say anything, I saw the creases in corner of his eyes from his smile. "You can just keep it for today because you have to walk back." I explained, he leaned in and my heart sped up. Instead, he just whispered, "Thank you." Before walking off. My face was flushed from more than just snow now as I hurried into the house.

Mom looked up, "You're late from school." She'd been waiting in the hallway. I stopped short. That meant she saw Angel, which meant she might freak out. My heart nearly stopped as she pushed off from the wall with her arms crossed. My eyes widened slightly, but then she broke out into a wild grin and wiggled her eyebrows as she asked, "So who is he?" I rolled my eyes.

"He's just a friend!" I retorted, walking off. "Uh-huh," Mom agreed sarcastically as she headed into the kitchen. She seemed more cheerful than usual with year. "Why don't you invite him over sometime?" My heart leaped at the prospect. "No!" I called, as I got into my room and dropped my bag by my bedroom door. Closing it, I peeled off my jacket, collapsing on my bed. Kicking of my boots, my lips curled into a smile as I curled up on my bed.

When I woke up the sun was setting. I didn't intend to fall asleep, and as I sat up I rubbed my eyes. "Hello again." Immediately I tensed once I heard the familiar voice. "What do you want?" I asked, he smiled, as he leaned against the window. "I'm not your enemy Tarasynoria." He responded coolly to my harsh tone. Despite the fact that my mind responded that to name, I snapped, "My name is Twelve." He smirked down at me, "Don't lie to yourself." He said, closing the window curtains. "What are you doing?" I asked, getting up quickly as he took a step towards me. He arched a brow, tucking his hands in his pockets. He wore a black suit. "There's no need to fear Tarasynoria." He insisted. "What's your name?" I asked trying to distract him. He smiled, "You don't need to know that. If you must call me something, you can call me E." He answered, casually strolling towards me.

My hands were trembling. He stopped about a foot away from me, maybe closer, before holding out his arm. "Take my hand. I need to show you something, don't make this harder than it has to be." By the look on his face I knew he had all intentions to make me take his hand. Willing or not. Slowly I took his hand, and the world started spinning. He pulled me closer, and suddenly horrible images flashed through my head, vertigo swept over me, and I couldn't take it. I fell to my knees and it all stopped. Wretching, E knelt down next to me while I curled up in the fetal position, shivering on the floor.

Suddenly I was back in my bedroom, he stroked his fingers through my hair. "This is for your own good Tarasynoria. It's a warning." He explained, oddly enough, I found his touch comforting at he stroked my hair. "I'll protect you halfling, but you have to protect yourself too." He continued, then he leaned and in whispered, "Also, I suggest you hang out with your goth friend a little bit more."

Then the world went black. When I shot up, I was in my bed.

Was that a dream?

Rubbing my head, I heard a knocking on my window. This time I approached my window slowly, and pulled up the curtains. It was Angel. Opening the window, he turned to me. "Are you alright?" He asked, I shook my head. Those haunting images flashed through my head and I felt like I might throw up or cry, or both. Angel pulled me into a hug. I didn't even bother asking him why he was here. He stroked my head soothingly.

"What's wrong Twelve?" He asked as I pulled back.

I shook my head as he stepped in. "Twelve?" He asked, leading me to my bed we sat down. "What happened?" He asked, I couldn't help but cry. Wiping away my tears, I whispered, "It was that guy," My voice was wispy, shakey, and quiet. "What guy?" Angel asked, his eyes were nearly black with how dark blue they were. "That guy I told you about, the one who looks exactly like me." Angel took my hands in his. "What's wrong?" He asked. "He's been appearing in my dreams I guess. He showed me these horrible things..." I trailed off, remembering the violent images.

Angel's eyes trailed down to my arm. "Twelve, what is that?" He asked, my weird tattoo was showing sort of since my sleeve was shoved up. I didn't have time to say anything before he completely shoved my sleeve up. Revealing the tattoo. A streak of neon yellow appeared in his eye surprising me. He blinked and it's glowing quality lessened, but it was still there. He looked at me, "Why didn't you tell me about this?" He asked, he sounded sort of mad at me. "What is it?" I asked, he inspected it. It's obvious it was something important. but my question was, how did he know about it?

He sighed, rubbing his face, before looking out the window. "Look Twelve, I haven't been completely honest with you." He started, my heart skipped around my chest in worry.

What was he hiding?

He looked me straight in the eyes.

"I'm not exactly human..."

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