Ch. 21 Stolen.

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Angel pulled back and we were both completely flushed, and I didn't need super-hearing to know that his heart was pounding just as fast as mine. "Angel," I said in surprise, he looked away embarrassed, "Sorry..." He trailed off and I felt my lips quirk into a smile, "For what?" I asked, Angel looked back at me, his eyes were back to his yellow. Meaning he couldn't control their color because he was too vulnerable emotionally. "Giving me the best first kiss a girl could have?" I asked, his eyes widened, and he looked down embarrassed but I saw the smile on his bashful lips.

Moving, I sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. "You'll be alright Angel, we'll both be alright." I whispered softly, lacing my fingers through his. His grip on my hand tightened, "I don't want to lose you." He whispered quietly. Suddenly I realized something, I didn't really know anything about Angel's past, about what makes him so scared of me abandoning him. Who abandoned him before...? Despite my curiosity I didn't ask. Angel wasn't good with feelings or words. He's so used to holding everything back, that he gets frustrated with himself when he can't. I knew he was struggling with opening up to me, and I didn't want to bombard him. I'd ask later.

"You won't." I assured him, I felt him sigh, and I just wanted to reach into his soul and take away all his problems. But no matter how powerful I was, it was impossible. My eyes started closing but I stayed up, even though with Angel stroking my palm, and the rise and fall of his shoulders lulling me to sleep, I wanted to stay up for a little while longer. To bask in his company.

"You can go to sleep you know," he murmured. "No." I responded stubbornly. I felt him chuckle, "And why not?" He asked, a playful lilt to his voice. "Because," I answered stubbornly. He rolled his eyes, "I know we have school tomorrow and I don't care." I responded to his expression and he let out more silent laughter. "Twelve we both need to sleep." He stated. Sighing, I nodded, and looked at him. "Okay." My voice was defeated, and Angel rested his cheek atop my head as I leaned it against his shoulder. "I'll stay until you fall asleep."

It didn't take long, sleeping with Angel in the room was like having a perfectly fluffed pillow and a gentle lullaby sang as you were wrapped in satin sheets. It was impossible not to sleep. You felt warm, protected, and before I knew it, I was asleep.

I was in a forest, walking. It was the forest the vampire took me to, and I heard my name being whispered over and over. Both of them.



A helpless feeling was wrapped around my heart as I walked into the ever thickening forest. Suddenly I heard his voice, "Go ahead, run." I did. I didn't want to be bitten, but then my body was slammed into a tree, except when I opened my eyes, instead of the vampire, I saw Nix. A sickening grin was slashed harshly into his chiseled features. My heart started pounding in fear and attraction I couldn't suppress no matter how hard I tried. "Just kiss me Twelve, kiss me." He insisted in his sinister tone, his lips glided down my neck and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get him off. A girl against a demon.

He looked up and stared into my eyes and grinned, "You know you want to."

I shoot out of my bed drenched in a cold sweat.

Stumbling, I pulled the leather bound journal from my pants. It was still there. I figured now was better than never to read it, I opened it to the page I saw before. 'Experiment Twelve, test trial. Vitals are good...' it got into a detailed description of my medical history and started talking about my bloodline, 'Tested with Fey blood and Angel blood, it seems she's the most successful participant. Markings aren't appearing but the subject displays potential.' My brow creased, Fey? Flipping the page, it started talking about my parents but didn't give any names. Then I could to a part called, Plans.

The hand writing had changed and I guessed this was Nix's entry.

'Spies have concluded my snake worked to see if she was the one. Since the poison didn't kill her on the spot, mark or not, she is. I must get her trust so I can continue my experiment. If I could get her away from that stupid Halfling she's constantly around...'

'Vampire abduction successful, now to gain her trust...'

'Once I get her soul, I can go through with my final plan. Fey blood, Angel blood. Halfling, but if we're able, which we should be once I get her soul. I can make a terribly powerful demon child. The Fey and Demon blood with drown out the Angel, and the child will be powerful...'

I closed the journal in horror. Nix wanted to take my soul and impregnate me so I could make a demon child more powerful than any demon seen before... I felt like I wanted to throw up. Thank god I never kissed him. With shaking hands I once again opened the journal and got to a section called Parents. Before I could read it, I felt a sudden gust of wind and heard a familiar voice.

"What are you reading?"

It was E.

I closed the journal and turned around. "My journal." I lied, he inspected me with narrowed eyes. I hated him, he killed my only chance to find my father. "Hand it to me." E ordered, "No." I snapped, his gaze darkened with an unspoken threat. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be Tarasynoria. Remember what happened last time you defied me?" I remembered like it was yesterday but I held my ground.

"No." I repeated, his snapped his fingers and my whole body was frozen. Ice cold, and I couldn't move an inch. My lips tried to form words but I was frozen. He easily strode over, ignoring my anger and silent protest. When he read the journal and got to the part where I was I saw his whole body stiffen. "What did I tell you about your father?" He snapped, I looked at him, still unable to move. Without even flinching, the book was burnt to ashes in his palm. I wanted to scream in anger but I couldn't.

"I think you need to sleep." E said, and he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly the whole world went black.

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