Ch. 11 Yellow Eyes.

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Instead of peaceful sleep, I was greeted with bloody, gruesome images. I already can't stand the sight of blood, this much, mangled, tangled, bloodied, torn corpses, thrown on top of each other. Once again vertigo swept over me, and my eyes shot open. Angel was still there but he'd fallen asleep, almost. His eyes were in slits. I didn't have time to inspect his profile though, nausea raced through me and I was clammy. I knew I was going to throw up. Stumbling up, I raced to the bathroom in the hall.

"Twelve?" Angel asked in concern, not hesitating to race after me. I threw the bathroom door open, and slipped on the tiles as I threw open the toilet lid and threw up. I heard the bathroom door shut, and Angel knelt down. Instead of being disgusted, he helped hold my hair back as I hurled my guts out. Those gruesome images were still seared in my mind. Eventually I stopped, and leaned against the wall, panting from the pain. Angel looked at me in concern, but once again, instead of judging, he just grabbed a wet cloth and dabbed the corners of my mouth. "Do you have any tylenol you need?" He asked, "I'll get it, I wouldn't want you getting in trouble with my mom." I answered, before I could get up, he clamped his hand down on my shoulder, and his strong grip made it impossible to stand up. Especially with how frail I was feeling.

Focusing on his face, he was staring at me, concern and determination sculpting his facial features. His dark blue eyes were a mixture of black and blue. "I'll get what you need," He insisted, "But you'll get in trouble," I insisted weakly. "I won't." He stated, "Angel..." I trailed off as he got up, "I won't," he repeated simply as he exited the bathroom. I didn't know how he'd find anything but he left wordlessly. Leaning against the wall, my breaths were shallow as I tried not to throw up anymore.

Like a shadow, Angel appeared back in the bathroom and helped me take a pill and drink some water. Before I knew what was happening, Angel gently lifted me from the bathroom floor. He was so warm.

He gently managed to lay me down, and tuck me in. Before I could say anything, he disappeared once more before walking back into my room, and closing the door quietly behind him. "Is there anything you need?" He asked quietly, his fingertips brushing against my hand, as if he wanted to rest his hand atop mine but decided better. "I'm so tired...." I mumbled, he inspected me once more. Muttering a goodbye, he walked to the window.

"Angel," I stated, he turned as he went to slide open the window, before he could say anything, I muttered, "Stay."

He seemed surprised for a few seconds.

Then he effortlessly moved from the window, and sat by my bedside. "I'm here," he stated soothingly. I nodded, and as I started falling asleep, I heard Angel shift around. Then I felt his hand atop mine, he soothingly stroked the top of my hand and it helped calm me down. I let my eyes flick open and I looked up at him one last time, his eyes were a mixture of light and dark blue, as if they couldn't make up their mind. "Yes?" He asked, I gave him a little smile, "Thank you." I said, his lips quirked into a little smile. "Don't worry about it Twelve." He responded.

Finally, I exhaled a breath, letting my whole body relax, and soon after, I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Angel had vanished, but there was a little note on my nightstand. Picking it up, I flipped it over and there was Angel's messy scrawl.

'I stayed with you but I left at around 5:00.'

I smiled a little. Leave to Angel to be so matter-of-fact about things. I'd woken up early too, six. He left an hour before me. Did he stay awake the whole night?

Getting up, I rubbed my head, and walked over to my closet. Absently I shoved on some of my worn out, faded skinny jeans, and a black sweater. Looking out, it was snowing. Greeaattt, I get to walk through the freezing snow, greeeaatttt. My thoughts were slightly dismal but my heart did little dances at the anticipation of seeing Angel. I really needed to get that under control.

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