Ch. 36 Trust That I Will.

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You know those quotes or people in your life that tell you to revel in the good moments because they won't be there forever? I really wished I'd listened to them. The good times don't last forever. And I discovered that the second I woke up.

Jessica was shaking me, "Twelve, wake up, come on." She hauled me up, and I looked around in confusion. Jessica handed me my sword, that's when I heard it. Blades clashing. Looking down I was only in the pajamas Jessica had given me. Which were basketball shorts, and a t-shirt. "Stay here, and I'll clear a path." Jessica stated, I grabbed her wrist. "Isn't this the Archives? Why are they fighting?" I asked, "Right now we're outside the Archives in an outer ring hotel, we need to get to Central." Her tone was urgent. Shaking my head, I felt determination course through me. "I'm done hiding. You follow behind me."

"Or you could both follow behind me." E chimed in, turning around in confusion, he leaned against the wall with a smirk. "Thank your little boy toy for summoning me." He summoned his blade, and snapped his fingers. Suddenly Jessica and I were both in armor. "Let's go." All of us charged into the hall. The shadowy figures were hard to see past, but E's blade was pure white, and shining. It cut through the demons, which died with a slight brush of the blade. Looking down, I saw my blade doing the same thing. There was an odd burning pulsing through me, looking at my mark, the weird tattoo thing, it was glowing pure white. The light under my skin spread throughout my veins, and power along with it. "Jessica stay in between us, arrows won't do anything here." My voice was wiser and commanding. The blade extended, and I lashed out, killing five demons.

"Run!" I shouted, and the three of us raced down the hall. Soon I could make out the sound of Angel and Raven. They were cornered, "Hell no." I stated, the sword easily shifted into a spear, and I threw it with deadly precision. The blade of it dug into the back of a demon, and I launched. Wings exploded from my back, and I pushed myself forward. E and Jessica were frozen in surprise. Extending my arm and opening my palm, my weapon flew back into my hand. "Tarasynoria," a demon whispered in horror. I cut it down, it's head rolled on the floor. With the sweep of my wings, demons were thrown back. Angel and Raven stared at me with varied expressions. Angel looked horrified, but Raven was smiling. She bowed, "My worship." She said, Angel looked at her in surprise.

Turning, I said, "Gylledha, take them out of here. Trust I will meet you there." I ordered, she nodded, E, Raven, Angel, and her joined hands. Angel stared at me in concern. So Angel was that boy's name... I remembered, "Twelve, please." I felt my heart pound. What is this feeling? Before I could investigate, I heard the thunder of approaching demons.

Looking at the dark-haired boy, I only said two words.

"Gylledha, go."

They vanished in a puff of smoke and I turned to the demons, my blade extending in a shape that mirrored Angel's dual blades weapon. Cutting through them, their dark blood stained the hallway. Finally I reached their master. A light haired, fair looking boy. My blade shifted to it's original form, and I pressed it to his throat. Stumbling, his back against the wall, he stared at me in surprise. The demons I fought were basic, not sentient, but he was sentient enough to feel fear. "Who are you working for?" I demanded, pressing the blade harder, dark blood trickled from his throat. Even if he was scared he was still a demon, I had no sympathy. "Tell me!" I demanded, power rushed through me, and I flexed my wings. He flinched.

"Spare me." He whispered.

"Tell me who you work for." I growled.

"Nix! Nix sent this regiment here!" He squeaked.

Mercilessly I jammed the blade through his throat. His eyes widened, and blood first exploded from the wound but then it poured out. Retracting my blade, his corpse fell to the ground.

I'd made no promises to spare him.

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