Ch. 42 Fallen Angel.

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Tears streaked across my face. Raven was gone and I never told her half the things she deserved to hear. Twelve was somewhere with Jessica. And I'm alone, killing demons. Easily I slashed through what was left. Wiping away the tears, but when I felt something wet, I pulled my hand back. It was bleeding but I was numb to the pain. Instead I watched as the blood trickle from the wound, covering my now slightly tanned skin, and drip to the ground.

Isn't it funny how you can lose everyone you love in only a few minutes?

There were so many things I should've done, instead of moping, I surveyed my surroundings. My night vision was sharp, it'd taken a few hours to hunt down the demons left, and now I needed to track Twelve and Jessica's foot prints. Kneeling, the prints were stale, but that was definitely Twelve and Jessica's footprints. Some times the prints dragged like Twelve tripped, which made me smile. Twelve would always find a way to trip. Following the prints, I noticed the part where Jessica's footprints were changed shape. Got larger, but slimmer. Was Twelve abducted? My eyes widened in fear, I remembered seeing her unable to ascend. Ignoring the fact it was my fault, I hurried; quickly down their trail. Ignoring my surroundings.

Finally I reached a clearing, no more footsteps. Panting, I looked around in panic before something collided with the back of my head. Waves of pain crashed through me, and I feel to my knees. One more blow to the skull overwhelmed me and I fell unconscious.

I was in a dark room, but I heard her. Twelve. She was screaming for me. Quickly I got up, rushing, scrambling to find a door, anywhere. My night vision wasn't kicking in, there was no light. Finally my desperate fingers wrapped around a door knob. Not hesitating I threw open the door, and froze at what was on the other side. Raven's corpse, it was blistered like it was on fire. One of her eyes melted shut, but the other flicked open. "Why would you let me die?" Her voice crackled in pain, falling to my knees, I scrambled to gather her in my arms, but as I held her she let out a final breath. Her blood oozed onto my arms, painting them crimson. Suddenly I heard Twelve scream and looked up. She was at the end of this odd metal hallway. "Angel! Angel save me!" She kicked and pushed at the demons that held her. "Twelve!" I shouted, reaching for my weapon. It wasn't there. Letting out a yell, I ran down the hall.

But it was slick with blood, and I slipped, my face slamming into the floor. Hard. I felt my nose snap and let out a yell of agony. It was definitely broken. Scrambling back up, I wasn't in the hallway anymore. It was the forest by my old house where Dad and I lived when I was eight. Looking down I realized I was eight years old again. My wings were growing, the agonizing pain in my back made me scream. Dad was at work.

The world blurred, "Dad!" I screamed, tearing off my shirt, the reveal my scrawny 8 year old body, that contorted disgustingly in response the pain. "Someone help me!" I screamed, falling the ground. My tears and blood fell to the grass. The skin on my back being ripped open agonizingly. My whole body shuddering in response. I could hardly stay conscious. "Dad! Someone!" My voice shook, and I yelled out. Small waves of pain came from my teeth as they changed. The pain shot through my back so immensely I arched up, screaming. My wings exploded from my back.

"Your dad won't help you young one." A female voice said. Breathing shakily, I looked up, and saw a woman. She had black hair, and tan skin, dark crimson eyes. "Who are you?" I glanced at the little girl behind her, who cowered. She looked a bit like me. With dark hair and pale skin. The older woman smiled easily. "I'm your mom Angel. Oh what a fitting name." Her voice held hatred. Desperately I scrambled back, but the pain and exhaustion prevented me from moving fast. "L-leave me alone." I gasped, feeling the blood leak from the wounds in my back. My wings were still growing, it was always painful and it always would be. Dad said the pain would only lessen when I was around 17 or 18. The woman muttered an incantation, and a barrier surrounded us. When I tried to cross it burned my fingertips.

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