Ch. 5 The Forced Slumber Party.

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I must've looked so surprised because he chuckled. "It won't be that bad," He stated in his quiet voice. Once again I quickly looked back down at the project. There you go again Twelve, staring at the dude like he has some sort of deformity. "Won't it be awkward?" I asked, braving a look at him. He had a little smile on his face, "Only if you want it to be." he responded, I looked down again. Great, Twelve, you're acting sooo casual right now, I bet everyone he talks to refuses to make eye contact for extended periods of time. "What else do you think we should do for the project?" I asked, trying to switch the topic  to get less flustered.

He leaned in a little bit to get a better view and my heart quickened a little when he did. Geez, you see some pelvic bone and you can hardly function, get yourself together Twelve. "There's not much else we can do, why don't we finish in class tomorrow. Is there anything else you have to work on?" He asked, "Are you good at math?" I asked, looking up quickly. I didn't realize how close he was until he looked up too, and we were staring at each other. That's when I realized we were only inches away from one another. He nodded, "Do you think that you could help me with something?" I asked, he nodded once more.

I lingered in my spot, staring at his peculiar eyes until I realized what I was doing and grabbed my bag. Lifting it, I showed him some math problems on my homework and he helped me out.

As I finished up, he inspected me, "Yeah?" I asked, "You're hair, it's really bright, is that natural?" He asked quietly, I nodded, toying with the ends of it. "Yeah, I get most of my traits from my dad. That's one of them." He nodded, looking out the window. It was still raining. "How about you?" I asked, he looked at me with an arched brow, silently asking what-about-me?

"Your eyes." I explained, "The last time I checked they were real, and no I don't wear color contacts, I swear." He teased. I looked out the window too, lapsing into silence. What was there to say? The rain drummed against the house sounding like a fast heartbeat. "Hey Twelve," Angel said, I looked over at him. "You asked me if I saw a weird guy, who were you talking about?" He sounded concerned, and I honestly hadn't expected him to remember. Once again my slight headache returned. I was missing something from my memory, but I didn't know what. "I don't know, that day before Raven cornered me I saw this guy, and," I looked at him, he was look right back with a gaze that seemed to be absorbing everything, but I noticed as I looked at him, his eyes had shifted to a slightly darker shade of blue. "Promise not to think I'm crazy," I interrupted myself, he did a little eye roll at me leaving him in suspense. "I promise," he complained. I smiled a little at his impatience. "He looked exactly like me. From his hair to his skin color and eye color. Everything was the same." I explained, running my fingers through my hair. Angel nodded slightly, looking out the window. His eyes had gotten ever darker as I spoke! How did I not see them transition?

"How odd..." He muttered, but he seemed to be talking to himself more than to me. "Have you seen him since then?" Angel asked, once again. Once again that slight pounding in my head stunned me momentarily. "No, not since. Not that I can recall." I answered, he didn't respond but his dark blue gaze slowly glided to the window. Suddenly his whole demeanor changed, "Wanna make smores?" He asked suddenly, instead of questioning him, I answered with a blunt, "Of course I do." His lips curled upwards at the corners as former more dismal thoughts completely floated away from my mind as I thought about smores.

"With what?" I asked, he stood up, walking to the pantry. He shrugged, but in this lighting and in his white shirt, I saw black marks on his back through the sheerness of the shirt. "Angel do you have tattoos?" I asked, he twisted his torso to face me at a one-third angle, and that was the first time I saw his full, unleashed, curvy smile. It left me speechless as he tapped his fingers to his lips playfully, turning back around.

"Well fine then, don't answer." I responded teasingly, his body shook with his silent chuckle. As he knelt down. His shirt lifted in the back, and I saw the beginnings of a tattoo. What the tattoo was I had no idea. When he stood back up, he turned around with the stuff for smores. He jerked his head, signaling for me to go with him. His eyes were back to the original bright vibrant blue. I got up and followed him to his living room, he started a fire in the fireplace and we sat in front of it.

As we made smores, I smiled serenly. Smores made me happy.

Angel inspected me as I made another one. "You know," I started, he turned his attention back to me, "one of the only memories I have with my father was it was December and we were sitting in the kitchen, he had me hoisted on his hip making smores with the gas oven because we don't have a fireplace, and he let me eat as many as I wanted." I must've been two years old at the time. It was one of those memories that you get but only brief glimpses. I couldn't remember what his face looked like, all I remember was the taste, and my happiness.

Angel shifted slightly in his seat as he gave me a hesitant look, "Do you mind me asking what happened with your father?" He asked quietly and hesitantly. Letting out a sigh, I shrugged. "I don't know. Mom says one day he was just gone. I can't even remember what he looks like." I answered, and I noticed a tear trickle from the corner of my eye. There's definitely times where I needed a father, but it was just me and my mom. Quickly I wiped it away, hoping he didn't notice. Pulling back, I stretched my arms. "I'm going to head to the restroom." I stated, getting up. I needed some time to collect myself.

He nodded, his dark blue gaze drifting back to crackling orange fire.

Walking into the bathroom, I closed the door, not locking it. I wasn't going to use the bathroom. I turned and looked in the mirror, but I could inspect my reflection before I noticed something horrifying. An ivory white snake slithered on the wall. Wait, why isn't it falling? What snakes can slither on walls? I stared in horror at it. It's skin was ivory colored, and so smooth it looked like porcelain. It's eyes were as black as ink dripped onto a quill. It slithered onto the counter, and I froze in horror. Hoping it'd not notice me and slither away. But when it got to the center of the counter, it raises it's head and stared right at me. My heart nearly stopped and I could hardly breathe as I stared back.

Then, out of nowhere, it launched at me.

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