Ch. 32 Intel.

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Angel and I sat up just as Jessica and Raven walked in. Bewilderment raced through me as they sat in front of us. Jessica smiled knowingly at me, she had her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail with curls exploding on the other end, Raven had her ebony black hair splayed down to her shoulders. Raven also had a deadly looking spear slung around her back, while Jessica had a milky white bow and a quiver of arrows. "Can someone tell me what's happening?" I asked, Raven and Jessica exchanged a look.

"First tell me what you can remember before you were found."

I explained the creepy demon lady, or ladies. How they all looked the same, what they did to Angel. My dream.

Jessica sighed, "Well let's start off with, as you can guess, I'm not exactly human or else I wouldn't be here." I stared at her waiting for the explanation. "I'm a Halfling, but not like Angel or Raven. I don't have wings, or super speed or anything. I'm magic, like a witch or wizard, but those terms are trivial." Jessica explained, I stared at her, "What's your mark?" I asked, she rolled up her sleeve where an oddly intimidating snake wrapped around her arm. "The snake, associated with Death." Jessica stated. Raven cut in, "That doesn't mean she brings bad luck, it's the opposite actually. Jessica is highly skilled and cunning in battle, we're lucky to have her here. Especially considering she's an oracle in training." Raven stated, looking at me as she expected me to say something back. "An oracle is a prophecy teller, they get glimpses of the future." Angel interjected.

Jessica smiled solemnly, like she'd seen it and it wasn't good.

"Okay, so what's happening now?" I asked, "Well, Angel found you in the river, after battling demons at your house, your mother is okay, however the demons caught up to you, so Angel took you to our old house, we summoned Jessica, who helped teleport us to the Archives, which is basically the city where everyone lives in peace. It was our only safe option, and we need to gather intel about E, and about the prophecy, since we have no idea about specifics. Nothing has been happening except us nursing you back to health for the past three days. But we've formulated a plan, well sort formulated a plan." Raven explained, I noticed her attire. It was a mesh texture tight black long-sleeved shirt, with the same texture skin tight pants, her shoes were boots but they had sharp points at the toe, and they had steel plates covering them. Jessica wore the same get up. They also wore black gloves with the same steel plates on them. "Okay what's the plan?" I asked.

"One of us sticks to the Archives, to find info, the other two gather supplies and train you. We can't have you being so vulnerable any more." Jessica stated, "We'll be bringing you on small missions with us, but nothing major until you're properly trained, we want you to get some experience." Raven added, "The one who goes to the Archives, they need to look in the F section, that's what E told me when I asked." I stated.

"So you pick Twelve, who do you want to train you and who do you want to go to the Archives." I felt some sort of pressure to take Angel to train with, but I knew that wouldn't be best for right now. "Maybe we can alternate trainers, and who goes to the Archives." I stated, "Sure, but right now, who do you want?" Raven asked.

Before I could say anything, Jessica interrupted. "I want to train you one-on-one today. I think I could help more that way. We can speed up." Jessica stated, and she seemed so sure, I agreed. Angel stood up, and I realized he also wore the same attire. "Is this just how people dress here?" I asked, Angel nodded. "Yes. It's not a fashion statement though, this is some pretty heavy duty armor, with magic enchantments, and flexibility. It certainly comes in handy. Come on Raven, let's head out." He explained, as he walked past me, grabbing a cylindrical item, he lightly brushed against me. As if to reassure me.

Jessica tossed me some clothes.

"Get changed and we'll go."

I smiled, "Thanks for everything."

She returned the smile.

"You won't be so cheerful after you get through the training."

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