Chapter one: The return

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   Natalia's POV

   Today is the day, I'm finally returning home after eight years. I missed home so much; it's a little house of a two rooms where I was raised and have all my memories.

  I packed my belonging and sat waiting, I received a letter two days ago from my mother saying that the lord had business in the city so he'll be my ride back to the village and here I am waiting for his arrival.

  I remember him as if I had saw him yesterday, but actually the last time I saw him I was 10 years old and him 17, he had bright green eyes, light brown cropped hair and bangs swept to the side ,full pink lips, straight nose, sharp jaw, high cheekbones sun kissed skin, toned body, and was 6 ft something. He was my knight in a shiny armor. I wonder how he became now at 25.

  My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of horses, seconds later strolled in Lord Benjamin, he hadn't changed much after all these years he's only slightly tanner, longer, and more muscular, as usual my breath was taken away by the sight of him.

  I stared at him admiring his beauty when I remarked his lips moving and his hand going up and down in front of my face.

  I was so busy staring at him I didn't hear what he was saying to me. So embarrassing!

  'Sorry?' I said my cheeks red like a tomato for being caught checking him out. He looked at me with an arrogant smirk and said: 'Hello, you must be Natalia, are you ready to go?'

  'Oh! Hi, I'm ready to go.'

  'Good, where is your luggage? So I can carry them.'

  'I can carry them just fine, thanks anyway.'

  He looked at me with a look that told not to argue with.

  'Where Are Your Luggage?' He said slowly and lowly.

  'Right here in the reception.' I said quickly.

  'Okay, go wait for me in the carriage.'

  'As you wish, my lord.' I said sarcastically, he is so controlling.

  I went to the carriage. It's pretty high. While I was busy thinking of a way to climb inside without make a fool out of myself I felt hands closing my eyes and I heard a familiar voice saying: 'Guess who?' Without a second thought I knew how it was.

  'Raphael.' I said with a little chuckle turning around.

  'Right, I missed you so much.' He didn't finish his speech I was in his arms, I miss him so much we were best friends since I was seven years old, of course he came to visit me every now and then but it isn't the same as to see him every day. Sadly, he's going to begin his university at the end of the summer and I will only see him during the weekend.

  'I missed you more, but what are you doing here?'

  'The driver of the lord broke his leg, and he needed someone to drive his carriage so I offered my services so I can see you and obtain some money to help with the expenses of university. Now let me help you climb to the carriage.'

  'Thank you.' He carried me bride style, when a booming voice.

  'Put her down right now. What is happening here?'


This is the first chapter,I hope you like it,leave me your feedback and if you liked it,all you have to do is vote. 😉

Yours sincerely,

мαяια 💋

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