Chapter twenty seven:General assemble (Part two)

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Damien's POV

The same night when Taylor was dining in Natalia house.

I woke up and didn't find Diane next to me.

"Diane."I said my voice hoarse from sleep.

"What my love?"She replied coming into view.

"What are you doing?"I asked her sitting in bed.

"I'm writing a letter for Natalia to come here.I want to surprise her."

"Why don't we surprise her and visit her in the city?"

"What a fabulous idea I have her address we can go tomorrow,in the morning."

"Ok,now come here I sleep better next to you."She smiled and snuggled next to me.

The next day

We left the village early this morning,and headed to the city.After two hour in the carriage we arrived to Natalia's address,when we arrived to her appartement the door was open,and in was a man on the floor.

"Stay behind Diane."I neared him and checked his pulse,he was alive.

"What happened here?"Said Diane shocked.

Suddenly we heard grunting and the young lad sat upright clutching his head.

   "Who are you?"He asked confused.

   "We are Natalia's parent,the question is who are you?"I replied.

  "I'm Taylor,Natalia's coworker.We were dining me and Natalia when someone knock me out.Where is Natalia?"

  "We don't know.She isn't in the appartement."

"Mother!"We all turned to the source of the sound.
It was a Natalia I suppose.She was beautiful like her mother.

"Natalia??"I asked nearing her.

"Who are you? "She asked looking at me confused.

"Natalia,meet your dad."

    She looked at me shocked,she neared me slowly and crushed in my arms.

    "Father."She said looking in my teary eyes with brown teary eyes.

    "Natalia."I replied hugging her tightly.

    After a few seconds I pulled back.

    "Why weren't you in your apartment?"

     "I took her."Replied a young lad.

     "Who are you?And who permit you to take my daughter?"I said looking at him with distaste.

      "I'm Lord Benjamin.And I love your daughter." He said arrogantly.

      "Aren't you engaged?"I asked him with narrowed eyes.

       He paled suddenly,and lowered his head.

        "You are toying with my daughter!I forbid you to see her if you don't sort this mess."I declared looking straight in his eyes.


        "Save it Natalia.Prepare your stuff.We are going back to the village."I said walking out of the apartment and going to the carriage.

         Diane's POV

       "Mother,say something."Natalia said looking at pleading.

       "Your father is right Natalia.He is engaged,he's just toying with you,you deserve better.Gather your stuff."I said standing my ground.She walked out the room to her bedroom I think.

         "Can you please stop talking about me like I'm not here?I love your daughter."He said desperate.

         "If you love her so much leave your fiancé and marry her."

        "I cannot."He whispered defeated,then walked out of the house.

        "Madame,I love your daughter and I wish to marry her,I was going to propose to her yesterday. And I would like your approval to do so."Taylor said, just as Natalia went out of her room.


     Hello dear readers,

    So this is the new chapter,I hope you enjoy it.If this is the case vote and comment your opinion.

     Photo on the top:Damien

     You can now follow me on Twitter my account is @queenmaro152,the first ten followers will have a dedication.

    Yours truly,

    мαяια 💋

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