Chapter twenty five:Let's run away together

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Natalia's POV

Where am I?I asked myself looking around the strange room clutching my head from how bad it's hurting me.

  What happened yesterday?I remember I was with Taylor and we drank that fantastic wine,not so fantastic after all.And then my memory is blank.

  I stood from the bed and went to open the door,it was locked and there wasn't any window in the room that only contained a bed.I went back to the bed and fell back closing my eyes calming my panic.How was I going to escape and most importantly who had kidnapped me?

  The door opened and none other than  Benjamin entered,and let me tell you something he didn't  look happy.

  He neared me and grapped me by my collar making me stand up.

  "What are you doing?"I asked my hand grasping his.

"What were you doing with that man?"

"Which one?"I asked confused.Oh he must mean Taylor.I opened my mouth to answer when he begin to chuckle darkly.

Benjamin's POV

"They are so many that you don't remember which one."I said my voice raising."What happened to you, drinking and bringing men to your house?"She was getting angry,as if she has a right.

"It's not like that,it was Taylor,he's a colleague I work with,he came over to dinner and brought with him wine,I liked the taste and continue drinking despite him telling me to stop and then I don't remember anything."

"Yeah a colleague indeed, I'll tell you what happened next you were straddling him grasping his hair leaning in to kiss him,and you would have if I haven't stopped you.I was suffering all this month without you and you,you went around luring men like you always do."Next thing I know she slaps me and she yelled in my face.

"Did you know why I was drinking?To forget about you I cannot stop thinking about you.It isn't fair of you to occupy my mind every single time.I never saw Taylor,more than a friend,it is you that I love,you and only you,it's always been you."She said grasping my hair and kissing me furiously.

  I was shocked at first but then I kissed her back wrapping my arms around her waist and bring her closer.

   After a few seconds,she pulled away breathless and nuzzled my neck,breathing my scent.

  "Benjamin,what are we going to do?"She asked looking at me with her beautiful eyes.

  "What do you want us to do?"I asked her tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

  "I want to have future together,live a happy ever after but you have your duty,I cannot be selfish and cause danger to the village."She said backing away.

"No,you don't get to stay away from me this time,I cannot live without you,I'll die.Let's run away together."I said looking straight in her eyes.


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мαяια 💋

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