Chapter fourteen:Final decision

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  The story reached 200+ reads so this is a bonus chapter for you my dear readers.


   Natalia's POV

He was going to answer when the lock of the door turned.

"Benjamin dearest your door won't open,please open it."

"One minute Nicole ."He said ushering me in the closet of his bedroom,let it ajar,he went and opened the door,and in entered Nicole wearing a robe she removed and underneath it she was wearing a little nightgown that barely covered anything.

"You're early it barely six o'clock what had waking this early,where thinking about me.Imagine all the things that we could do if you let me move in with you,what do you say?"She said grasping him south.Moving forward and crashing her lips against him.Jealousy was eating me inside out.He moaned and kissed her back.He seems to regain his senses and he pushed her away.

"Stop!"He said.

"Why it's bound to happen we're going to marry in less than a year so are you so hesitant."

"I'm not ready yet."

"You sound like a teenager girl,loosen up a little."She said mocking him.

   "Nicole,get out."He said.

  "Are you kicking me out?How dare you disrespect me?"She said pissed off.

   "Like you dare to disrespect my decisions and mock me,now go out before I let the guards show you the way out."He said glaring at her.

  She got out of the room and slammed the door hard after her,Benjamin quickly went and locked the door  so I got out of the closet and stand with my arms crossed.He returned and stood facing me.

"Natalia please lay down the doctor said you must rest."

"I'm not staying any longer in this room I wish to go home right now and if you force me to rest I won't eat nor drink."I said firmly.

"We need to talk first."

"There isn't anything that need discussion the messy situation that was between us is now finished,this little episode was enough to make me realize this."

"The doctor said you can't stress yourself but trust me this conversation isn't finished I won't let you go Natalia Fox,never."

"Prepare the carriage."Benjamin screamed.

"You know what is saddening is that you won't be able to attend the ball this weekend,cause you need to rest I don't know what pretty boy gonna say when he realize that his date ditched him."He said with a satisfied grin.Before I had the chance to answer him,one of the maid entered the room.

  "Lord Benjamin your father has to travel to attend an important meeting,he's going to return Monday,he wants to see you before he goes,and by the way he told me to tell you that the ball has been postponed to next Saturday."She said,bowed her head and exited the room.I shot Benjamin a grin and said:"Look like I'm going to attend the ball finally."

   Benjamin huffed muttering under his breath,he went and asked for my clothes,they brought them to me once I finished the carriage was ready to go.


Hello my dear readers,

I hate Benjamin's fiancé,anyone else?

Next chapter is the ball,finally.

Share your opinions and vote.

Yours sincerely,

мαяια 💋

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