Chapter twenty three:I'm falling to pieces

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Benjamin's POV

It has been two weeks since I last saw Natalia,two weeks drinking alcohol,not eating well,not sleeping well.It's been a living hell without Natalia.

Where is she now?Is she happy?Is she eating well,sleeping well?Is she in pain like me?Has she moved on?Does she still love me?

I asked myself drinking from the bottle of wine.

Without her,I'm falling to pieces.

My self pity was interrupted by a lound knocking on my door,damn it my head hurts like hell.

"S-stay out."I stuttered tiredly.

Suddenly my door burst open and in entered Jean-Baptiste.

"Have you lost your damn mind,your parents have been worried sick about you,you aren't eating,aren't sleeping,you're going from a tavern to another.All the people are gossiping about you,and saying you aren't fit to rule this village,you haven't seen your fiancé since the ball and this is endangering the village.It's big time for you to wake up.What made you like this?"

"I love her more than myself,I can't function properly without her."

"Who damn it?"

"Natalia,she left the village for God knows where."

  "Benjamin,you have a fiancé,who loves you."

  "She doesn't love me,she only want me for my position,and power.But Natalia loves me for who I am,not once has she tried to took advantage of my position or wealth.And I love her more than anything what can I do?"I asked desperate.

  "You must choose,either your village,or her."He said exiting the room.

Natalia's POV

It's been two weeks since I left the village,it isn't so bad,the school is fine,the students are nice,I'm leading a peaceful live,put I feel empty on the inside I miss him so bad.A knock on the door interrupted my thought,it must be Taylor he asked me to take a walk with him in the park.

  "Hey"I greeted smiling.

  "Hey,are you ready to go?"He said smiling back.


   "Shall we?"He said extending his arm,I took it and we went to the park.

   We arrived to the park,when Taylor began:
  "How are you doing so far?"

  "It's been fine."I said looking around.

  "Let's sit down on the bench."He said,once seated he took my hand,"Had you met someone here??"He asked.

  "I met a lot of people."I replied confused.

  "I meant if someone captured you heart?"He said looking at me with hope.I caught on what he meant and shook my head thinking of Benjamin

  "What a pity,a certain brunette captured my hear the first time I saw her in the hall of my building."He said moving a strand of my hair behind my ear and leaning closer,he was a breath a way when turned my head and the kiss landed on my cheek.

  He looked at me embarrassed and said to me sincerely:"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable,it's just that you looked so beautiful I couldn't help my self."He said looking at his feet,he looked so cute.

  "You didn't make me uncomfortable it's just that I'm not ready for a relationship."

   "Does it mean that I still have a chance with you."He asked me hopefully.

  "I don't know."I said sincerely.


    Hello dear readers,

   First of all the goal was reached so fast I was just baffled,thank you all for voting it means a lot to me please leave me your feedbacks,it helps me write.

   So returning to the chapter anyone shipping Nat and Taylor??

   Anyway,if you liked the chapter all you have to do is vote and comment.

    Goal for next update:250 votes

Yours sincerely,

мαяια 💋

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