Chapter twenty seven:Des comptes à régler (Part 1)

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Damien's POV

I ran to my parent's house and knocked forcefully on the door.The servant opened the door shocked.

"Mister Damien,you're back."

"Tell my parents I want to talk to them."

"Please enter."She said stepping away from the door.

I waited in the salon for my parents to grace me with their presence.

After a few minutes,my parents came down the stairs in a rush.

"You lied to me,you told me that she returned to her father house because she didn't want to leave him alone,but you negliged the fact that she was kicked out,and then have to work as a maid to raise our daughter,I thought you loved me,that you would keep my family safe and happy while I'm away,I was wrong.From this day on froget you ever had a son."

  "Damien my son,please."My mother said holding my arm.

  "Let go of me,don't you dare touch,I'm not your son."

   "Please."She whispered sinking to her knees.

    I ignored her plea and left the house.

I returned to Diane cottage,once she opened the door I took her in my arms and showed her how much I have missed her.

Diane's POV

I watched him as he slept peacefully next to me,I know how much it hurted him that his parents had abandoned us,but I had already forgiven them long time ago.He must forgive them too.We cannot go forward in our live if we hold grudges against them forever.

I should write to Natalia, to come here and meet her father.

    Dear Natalia,

  I have extremely good news to tell you,come as soon as you can.

    I hope you write me back soon,
    Yours sincerely,

     Your mother.



      So this is a short chapter I'll update soon love you all,

    Yours sincerely,
    мαяια 💋

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