Chapter thirty: Breaking news

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Nicole's father's POV

'Where is she? It's been a week since she disappeared. The wedding is tomorrow. What am I supposed to do?' I asked my wife while pacing in my study.

'My lord, Miss Nicole has returned.' A servant said entering my study.

'Bring her to my study right now.' I said feeling relieved.

After a few seconds Nicole entered the roon with a guy trailing after her.

'Father,mother; this is Raphael my husband.' She said flashing us her wedding ring.

'What have you done Nicole? What I'm gonna say to Benjamin and his parents.' Her father said panicking.

  'Benjamin had never loved me. At first,I thought I loved him but it was a simple attraction, when I met Raphe I knew what love really was. I'm sorry, but if you can't be happy for me, I'll leave right now. And for the agreement Benjamin and his parents are trustworthy, and will stick to your side, no matter what and you know that, so why loosing them for a stupid marriage agreement. Find another compromise that doesn't involve destroying the life of a person.' She said confidently.

This is the girl that I raised, strong willed and that doesn't take shit from anyone.

'Come here.' I said opening my ams. 'Your mother and I will never stand in the way of your happiness. If you think Raphael is the one for you, you have my blessing.' I continued hugging her tighter.

'Welcome in the family, Raphael.' I said extending my hand, he shook it.

'Thank you,sir. I'll take good care of your daughter.'

'You better do so, if you hurt her I'll hunt you down.' I said seriously tightening my grip on his hand.

   Benjamin's POV

I cannot believe it. Finally I'm free from Nicole. I have to go tell Natalia.

After a few minutes of riding my horse I arrived to her house. When I knocked it was empty.

I saw one of her neighbors and asked her where she was.

'She had moved to the mansion that is in the centre of the village.' She said.

I rode there, and went knock on the door.

'Hello.What can I help you with my Lord?'

'Is Natalia there?' I asked.

'I will go bring the miss right now.'

After a few moments,Natalia appeared, the mere vision of her make me speechless.

'What do you want Benjamin?' She said coldly.

'I'm free of Nicole,finally we can be together.'

'What if your parents make you marry another girl what will you do? You were too afraid to tell your parents the truth, you had already hurt me a lot I don't want to suffer anymore.Bye Benjamin.'She said closing the door in my face.


Hello dear readers,

Do you think Benjamin and Natalia will end up together ?

Don't forget to follow me on Twitter at queenmaro152.

Love you all,

Yours sincerely,

мαяια 💋

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