Chapter twenty:A new beginning

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    This is the new chapter.If you like the chapter vote,if you don't like it let me know your opinion.


    Natalia's POV

    I'm free,shouldn't I be happy?So why I'm feeling so empty in the inside?But it's for the better,I'll go to city and maybe even find love there and move on from Benjamin.I thought on my way back home but why does it hurts so much?

    It's because I love him,I love him so much it hurts, and I will never see him again,this is why I'm crying so much.

   I arrived to home,and went directly to my room,took a shower,changed my clothes and began packing,with tears falling down my face like  a waterfall.When I finished,I dried my tears and washed my face and went to wake my mother to pack her belongings.

"Mom,wake up."I said shaking her slightly.

"What?"She said her voice hoarse from sleep.

"Our debt is repaid,we can finally leave the village." I said to her.

  "Natalia I cannot leave the village,what if your father returned and didn't found me."

  "Mom,dad have been missing for more than 17 year,and his ship sank,he must be dead."

"No,Natalia he's not dead I can feel it,they said that a few survived.And he's one of them."She said.

"And why didn't he return?"

"I don't know,but I know that one day he'll return, you go to the city and have a bright future.I'll stay here."

"And who is going to support you financially mom?"I said irritated."I'm not returning back here mom,please come with me."

  "Natalia I'm going to work with the neighbor she's going to open a boutique and she needed a tailor to make the clothes,and she wants me to be the tailor, she's going to pay me a generous amount."

  "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "She told me yesterday.I didn't have the opportunity to tell you yet."She told me.

  "I'm happy for you,but mom I have to go to the city."

"Go my dear,and take this with you,"she said removing the locket that she always wore,it was a gift from my father,"wear it always aroud your neck,and don't forget to write to me and once you're settled I'll come from time to time to visit you."She finished and kissed my forehead,and right then I began crying,and she followed my lead,and soon we were both sobbing into each other shoulder.

"Goodbye mom."I said with tears in my eyes,once I arrived to the door.She hugged me one last time and muttered "Goodbye"sadly.

I then went to Raphael's home and knocked on the door,he opened the door with his luggage in hands.
Once he saw my face,he let go of his luggage and hugged me tightly.

  "What happened?"He asked with concern.

  "I need to quit the village right now,I'll explain to you later on."I said sobbing in his shoulder.

  "Alright,come on there is enough place in the carriage for you and your things."

   After we were settled in the carriage,our journey to the city began.After nearly an hour spent in silence,I began telling Raphael about Benjamin's possessiveness and how he did beat Mathieu and how he kicked me out of the village,without mentioning his attempt of raping me,I didn't want Raphael to go and murder him.

   "How dare he,who does he think he is,did he hurt you Natalia?"

  "No."I lied with a confidence I didn't know I possessed.After that the carriage fell in silence,then I began thinking about Benjamin who I love more than myself,the fact that he's going to marry another one,my mother who I left behind,and cried myself to sleep...

     Goals for next update :100 votes on the story.

  Yours sincerely,

  мαяια 💋

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