Chapter eight:I missed you

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Two weeks later

  Benjamin's POV

  It's crazy that a girl that I knew for one day made me miss her more than all the people that I knew for years.

  Yes,she's been coming to work and she's been doing a very good job,and now you must be asking how I didn't see her,it's simple I'd been leaving early in the morning before she arrived,and returning late in the evening after she returned home,leaving her a to do list with one of the servants.

  Today,I'm going to see her,I don't think I can support another day without seeing her I'm going to lose my sanity,not an hour passed without me thinking of her.

  I took my breakfast with my parents and headed to my office where she was.I opened my door and saw her sitting in my chair,the pen tucked between her lip,that were in an adorable moue,and her cute nose scrunched up in concentration,there was a strand of her hair that escaped from behind her ear that I wanted to tuck in place.At this sight,I felt lust overtake my body,I was never affected so much by someone.

I couldn't control my body anymore,I stalked toward her like a predator stalking his prey.She looked up and when she saw me a gasp of surprise escaped her lips and this sound didn't help with my problem.

  I arrived to her,so I was standing behind her,bended forward so my lips were next to her ear.She was paralyzed in place.

"You know Natalia my main problem with you is that I desire you.In fact you're the person that I desire the most.What do you have to say in this matter?"I whispered to her in a husky voice.

"If this is what you came to told me,you can go back to where you were ."She responded with iciness in her voice that can freeze lava.

"Why are you so cold my dear,in fact I came here to told that I missed you but I was distracted by your beauty."I turned around her so I was facing her and put my hands on the table.I looked her dead in the eyes and asked her:

"Did you miss me?"

"No."She said avoiding my eyes.

"Look at me in the eyes and answer my question again."She kept looking at the table.I won't take it.I grapped her chin and made her look at me in the eyes:"Answer me."I repeated softly.

"I missed you."She muttered lowly.

"What was that?"I asked her even though I heard her.

"I missed you."She repeated a little louder.


"I missed you."She said in a loud voice.

"It wasn't that difficult."I said with a smirk.

"You heard me the first time didn't you?"

"I have a very good hearing."

"I hate you."She said playfully.

"Nah,you love me."I replied and I saw something flash in her eyes before she masked it with amusement.

"You're so full of yourself,you think all the girls worship the ground that you walk on.Where have you been those 2 weeks?"

"I've been working in my lands,we're harvesting the crops right now."


"See you later Natalia."I said exiting my office.


    So Benjamin and Natalia finally admitted missing each others.Isn't it cute?

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