Chapter twenty one:The city

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Natalia's POV

   "Nat,Nat wake up."Someone said shaking me softly.

    "Mmm..."I mumbled.

    "Natalia,come on wake up.We arrived to the city." The same person said shaking me more.

    "Alright,alright I'm up."I said opening my eyes, and came face to face with Raphael and then I remembered what happened,and how I came with Raphael to the city.

  "Hey,Raph."I said my voice hoarse from sleep.


  "What time is it?"

  "It's noon."


  "Where to now Natalia?"

  "My old school."

  "Okay,come on."He said descending the carriage and helping me down.

  After walking for 10 minutes we arrived to the school.

  "Goodbye Nat."

  "Bye Raph."I said hugging him goodbye.

I entered the establishment and was greeted by the receptionist.

  "Hello Natalia."She said smiling softly.

  "Hey Sarah,how are you today?"

  "I'm fine,I guess you came fot the job."

  "Yes.Is Miss Crook here?"I asked her.She nodded in confirmation.So I went to her office.

   Miss Crook is the director of the school,she's a very kind woman in here mid forties.When I arrived to her office I knocked on the door.

  "Come in."She said.I opened the door and entered.

  "Hello,Miss Crook,how are you today?"

  "Fine my dear Natalia."She said coming to me and hugging me tightly.

  "Did you accept my offer of teaching here?"She said letting me go.

  "Yes,this is why I came today."

  "Good,very good,you begin tomorrow,is there any objections?"

  "No,tomorrow is fine."

  "Good,do you have a place to stay?"She asked looking at me.

"Actually no, today I was going to search for a place to stay."I said.

"One of my friends has an apartment for rent,it's a very respectable building and one of our teachers leaves there,and also it's at a good price that you can afford."She said.

"Very good can you give me address of your friends so I can go and talk to her about the apartment?"I asked her.

"Of course dearest."She said scribbling something on a paper and giving it to me.

"Thank you,I'm going to right now."I said exiting the office and heading to the address given to me.

The address was very close to the school, it took me about five minutes to arrive there.

   It was a house of two stories with an exterior of red brick.I knocked on the door,a woman in her mid fifties opened  the door with a gentle smile.

  "Hello,who are you my dear?"she asked.

  "Hello,I was sent by your friend Mrs. Cook for the apartment to rent."I said smiling at her.

  "Oh yes,come inside to discuss the payment and the price."She said opening the door more widely to let me in.

  I entered the house,it had a homey feeling to it,the main colors were earthy colors,it was very calming.She led me to the living room,where we sat,and discussed the matter.

  After half an hour I had the key of the apartment, and the adress.I headed back to school and took my luggage.

  It was very close from the school about 10 minutes walking.I arrived there,and began wondering how I was going to transport my luggage upstairs,when someone poked me on the shoulder making me jump in surprise.I turned around to see a guy in his mid twenties,he had black hair with bangs covering his forehead,and brown eyes.

  "Sorry,I didn't mean to scare you.Are you new here?I'm Taylor by the way."He said with a shy smile.

  "Hey,I'm Natalia and yes,I'm new here,and you didn't frighten me,only surprised me."

  "Good,I poked you because I wanted to ask you if you need help with the luggage.Do you?"


  "Okay,which floor?"

  "Third floor."

  "Seriously?Me too.I'm going to take the big suitcase, and you take the handbag."

  "Thank you."

  "Come on."He said taking the suitcase and heading upstairs.I followed him quietly with the handbag. 

       Hello dear readers,

     It's been a long time since I last updated I was busy because of school and exams.

    I'm back and this the new chapter I hope you liked it.If you like all you have to do is click on the ⭐️ at the end of the chapter.

     Goal for next update:120 vote on the story.

     Sincerly yours,

    мαяια 💋💋💋

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