Chapter twenty four:Fire meet gasoline

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Hello, this chapter is dedicated to everythingiscool3259  cause she/he guessed right first it was Natalia's father and here is the chapter.
Natalia's POV

  It's been a month since I came to the city,and my friendship with Taylor has developed,I miss my mother deeply and I cannot forget Benjamin.Today Taylor is coming to my appartement  to cook dinner and have dinner with me.The doorbell rang it must be him.


   "Hello,so this are flowers for you and those are the groceries for dinner."

   "Thank you,you can put them on the counter."

   I took the flowers and put them in a vase,while he begin working in the kitchen.I entered the kitchen and stood beside him.

  "What are you preparing tonight chef??"

  "Canard à l'orange accompagné d'un vieux vin français."Taylor said in perfect French.

  "France est à l'honneur ce soir.Et pour le dessert??"

   "Une tarte tatin que j'ai déjà préparé."

   "Veuillez procéder Monsieur Taylor."I said sitting on a chair.

   "Do you need help with cooking?"

   "You can serve the wine."

   "Ok where is it?"

   He pointed at a bag,I went and took the bottle then poured wine in two glasses.

   "It tastes really good I love it."I said tasting for the first time wine.

   "Glad you liked."Taylor said looking up from his cooking.

   "Half an hour and it is ready cause I already has cooked the duck before."

   "Good cause I'm starving."I said pouring another glass of wine,I really love this stuff.

  "Natalia go slowly with the wine."

  "No it tastes so good."I said with a goofy smile, taking another big gulp of wine.

  "No Natalia stop you're going to get drunk."

  "If you're gojng to be a killjoy you can take your duke and go,but leave the wine here."I said shielding the bottle from him.

  "Natalia be reasonable and pour me another glass."He said stretching his glass.

    Taylor's POV

  What can I do?I don't want Natalia to get drunk and I don't want to leave her alone so I had to drink with her to diminish the quantity of wine she's consuming.

  After several glass,and a second bottle opened I could barely see clearly.What happened to the dish, I'll go and check on it.I stumbled to the kitchen and turned off the oven.

  "Natalia dinner is ready."I slurred loudly.

  Her head was on the table on the middle of the sitting room so I went there to check on her.I kneeled beside her and poked her.She look at me with a grin and said:

  "You have beautiful eyes,and very soft hair."She said gripping my hair and straddled me leaning in,when she was ripped from me and a punch landed on my face and then all went black.


   Hello again my dear readers,

Surprise surprise it's a double update,yay.

Did you like the chapter?Vote and comment.

  I promise you a third and final part for this chapter next Wednesday.

  I hoped you liked.

  Yours frankly,

  мαяια 💋

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