Chapter twenty eight:New life

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   Natalia's POV

"Madame,I love your daughter and I wish to marry her,I was going to propose to her yesterday. And I would like your approval to do so." Taylor said just as arrived in the living room.

        "Mother,can you let us talk for a minute,me and Taylor,in private."

         "I'll be in the carriage,give me your luggage."

         "Okay, I'll be down in a bit." I said handing her my stuff.She exited,closing the door after her.I neared Taylor and took his hand.

          "Taylor,I'm very flattered by your feelings for me,but I never considered more than a friend,I love you,yes but as a brother,I'm sorry if I give the wrong impression,I hope you find a girl that will love you,and that you will love,because you're a fantastic guy,but my heart isn't mine to give."I hugged him close,he hugged me back.

       "I'm gonna miss you."he said with teary eyes.

       "I'm gonna miss you too,but don't worry I will come and visit you every while.Goodbye Taylor."

       "Goodbye."He said exiting the apartment.

       I walked a little bit in my apartment for the last time,I will miss it.From tomorrow I'll begin a new live.

      Benjamin's POV

I arrived to the village,and went straight to the castle.

"My lord,your father is asking for you.He's in his study."

I went straight to the study,I entered Nicole,and her father and mine were there.

"Benjamin come my son,we have excellent news for you."My father said.Nicole looked uneasy.

"The wedding is scheduled for next week."Her father said.And like this my world crumbled.

I exited the study and went to my room,tears streaming down my face.I'll never see Natalia again. From next week I'll begin a new life.

Nicole's POV

I exited the study with tears in my eyes.I don't want to marry Benjamin anymore,I already found my soulmate.

I went to the forest,and waited for my lover to come.

Arms circled around my waist.

"I love you."He said turning me around.

"I love you two,Raphael."I said kissing him square on the lips.

"Raphael my father has chosen the date of our marriage,what are we going to do?"I said cupping his face.

"There only one solution my love,is to elope.Are you willing to give up on your parents for me?"He said kissing me.

"Yes." I replied breathless from our kiss.

"Come meet me here tomorrow at 10 in the night,and we will begin a new life together."


Hello dear readers,

So this is another update within two days.

The story is nearing the end.Two or three chapter you go.

I'm waiting your feedbacks.And if you liked vote and comments.

But don't worry,I began working on. A new story,that I'll begin in April.

   ρ.ѕ:Don't forget to follow me on Twitter @queenmaro152

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Yours sincerely,

мαяια 💋

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