Chapter three:The Debt

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   Natalia's POV

  After a few moments, Lord Benjamin spoke word that will shatter all my plans.

  'Monday you'll begin your work as my personal assistant, you'll help me to organize my file and you'll help with the financials matters you're going to do the calculations.'

  I just stared at him with my mouth wide open and shock written all over my face.

  'Who told you I'm going to work for you. I already have a job offer at school in the city to teach mathematics, and I'm going to accept it and take my mother with me.' I said glaring at him; I won't let him control me.

  'And who's going to pay the debt?' He replied smugly.

  'Which debt?'

  'The debt that your mother took from me to pay your education.'

  'No you're lying, I don't owe you anything .It must be one of your scheme to control me.'

  'If you don't believe me go ask your mother.' He said with a smirk.

  'We arrived to the village, I'm going right now. Raphael stop the carriage please, and help me down.'

  'No he won't help you down-'

  'It's none of your business.' I interrupted him rudely.

  Raphael stopped the carriage and helped me down .I hugged him goodbye and headed home only to find Benjamin following me.

  'What do you want?' I asked him angrily.

  'I want to be there when your mother will tell you the truth.'

  'Arrogant asshole.' I muttered.

  'What did you said?'

  'What a beautiful weather!' I said with fake enthusiasm.

  'Indeed beautiful.' He said with a voice full of sarcasm, and an evil glint in his eyes.

  'We arrived.' I said shrugging off the bad feeling I got from this look.

  'Mother I'm back.' I screamed from the front of our house.

  Seconds later my mother emerged from the house with tears in her eyes and took me in a bone crushing hug.

  'I missed you so much.' She sobbed in my arms.

  'I missed you more, how have you been?'

  She removed her face my shoulder and I saw her face after so long, she still look the same, even though she looked exhausted and much more skinnier, she still looked beautiful for her 38 years. I'll make it up for her, she won't ever need to work after today.

  'Mom; tell me we aren't in debt for the lord, that he's lying.' I pleaded my mother.

  'I fear that he's right dear he was the one who paid for your education but don't worry I will work harder to repay him.' She told me.

  'No I won't let you work anymore, your health won't permit it, you need to rest.' Benjamin interfered.

  'I have a deal for you' I turned to him and said.

  'Okay, but I prefer to discuss this deal in the privacy of my office.' I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off. 'I won't accept any excuse ,if you want me to consider your deal do not argue. After you.'

  'Okay. See you later mother.' I said before heading to the carriage; after a few minutes we arrived to the castle.

  Once we arrived to the office, the lord locked the door and pinned me against it with such furry in his eyes.


       And this is a new chapter,hope you like it,let me know what you think of it,and vote we don't want to anger Benjamin any further now,do we? By the way I think he has anger issues.

      Anyway,lots of love ,

      Yours frankly,

     мαяια 💋

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