Chapter sixteen:The ball (Part 2)

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The story reached 500+ reads.Thank you all for reading my story and this is a new update.

     P.S:The next update will be between today and tomorrow.


     Natalia's POV

Today is the day of the ball,I woke up had my breakfast,and spent the day with my mother,she wasn't going to the ball cause it reminded her of her first meeting with dad.At 5 o'clock I took a shower,and my mother did my hair,and I applied a simple and natural make up.When I finished it was 6:30 I still had half an hour to dress,I slipped into my dress,then I wore cream flats that I bought to match the dress,then I put on my mask and my gloves.

At quarter to seven I was ready,I looked like a princess,I felt so confident and beautiful.There was a knock on the door and in strolled in Mathieu he looked yummy,he was wearing a cream jacket with a whithe buttons up shirt and a black bow neck and black slacks and shoes,and he had on a cream and black mask.

He came with a carriage he helped me up and followed me,and the carriage started.We arrived to the castle and entered,I directly spotted Benjamin with Nicole clinging to his arm,they were talking with Benjamin's parent,Bennet and Sophia were very good people,they cared for their people and were fair with the villagers and protected them.

  "Good evening my lords,ladies."I said smiling when I realised Benjamin checking me out,I surpassed a laugh when I saw his sour expression at the sight of Mathieu.

   Sophia spoke first:"Good evening Natalia you look astonishing tonigh.Doesn't she,Bennet?"

  "Yeah you look very beautiful tonigh Natalia,we don't think we are introduced."He said looking at Mathieu.

  "I'm Mathieu,it's an honor to meet you my lords,my ladies."He said bowing slightly .

  "Thank you Mathieu,it's nice to meet you too." Bennet said and the others nodded in confirmation.

  "Are you Natalia's fiancé?"Sophia asked Mathieu.

   "No,not yet but I hope soon."He said looking at me with a loving look,I smiled at him.I should give him a chance and forget about Benjamin,he had Nicole and he clearly stated that she was his future.

  "Don't hope a lot it may lead you to depression when the reality comes and slaps you on the face."Benjamin told him with narrowed eyes and a scowl on his face.His face was priceless.Mathieu shifted uncomfortably under Benjamin gaze.

  "Thank you for your advice my lord."Mathieu said uncomfortably.

   "Excuse us dear,we have to go and open the ball,we will see you later."Benjamin's parents said and went.

  "Sweetheart do you want to drink something?" Mathieu asked looking at me.

  "Yeah!I'm very thirsty.If you excuse us."I said looking at Benjamin and the vermin clinging to him like a monkey,and followed Mathieu.

  "You look very beautiful tonight,I was serious about what said earlier to lady Sophia,you had me hooked from the first time I saw you,so will you permit me to court you Natalia,actually I never caught your last name."

  "It's Fox."

  "So will you permit me to court you Natalia Fox?"

  "Yes."I said next thing I know I'm being crushed in a hug , and then he kissed my cheek. The tune changed

"Can I have this dance miss Fox?"

"Of course mister..."


"Mathieu Adams,nice name."

"Thank you."

  "After you."

  We went to dance floor and danced we learned a lot of things about each others.While we were dancing someone caught my arm and I collided with a familiar chest,you won't guess who,the one and only Benjamin.

  "May I cut in?"He asked glaring at Mathieu.

  "You already did."I told him glaring at him.

  "Oops!My bad,Natalia dance with me."He demanded by now they were some people looking at us.

"How can I refuse when asked so nicely?"I answered my voice dripping with sarcasm.

It's going to be a long night.


Hello my dear readers,

Someone is jelly,do you think he need peanut butter with it??

Anyway,Liked this chapter?Vote and comment😘

Yours truly,

мαяια 💋

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