Chapter six:Jealousy

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   Natalia's POV

  Of course he had a fiancé he's 25 years old and he's a lord, girls must throw themselves at his feet, but I won't be one of them. Jean-Baptiste seemed a nice guy; he was nothing like his cousin.

  'So what is your story? He asked me.

  'What?' I replied confused.

  'The story of your live. If you don't mind me asking of course.' He said.

  'OH! My father was a captain from a Nobel family, my mother worked as a servant in the palace, once he came to visit the palace and saw her, and it was a love at first sight, so he asked about her and knew where she lived. She lived a small house with her father who was ill, so he came to visit her and they begin to see each other's frequently until one day he asked for her hand, she said yes of course she loved him so much, so they married after a year they had me, my grandpa died, and my father had to go on a long trip his ship sank and we never heard from him. His parents weren't okay with his marriage so they didn't give my mom anything after he disappeared, so we returned to my mom house and she had to work to raise me alone, I went when I was 10 years to the city to study, and here I am now.' I told him.

  Jean-Baptiste was looking at me with a surprised expression for a few seconds, and then he spoke: 'Your story is worth being written in a novel. And sorry for your dad.'

  'It's okay, I don't remember him anyway, it's my mother that was affected by his absence, and she loved him so much, anyway we came here to have fun not to tell each other sad stories.' I said running to the fountain, he ran after me when he arrived to the fountain I splashed him with water, and ran away.

  'Oh no, you didn't. I'm going to make you pay, run.' He said with a fake glare on his face.

  I began giggling and continued running, then I was tackled to the floor with Jean-Baptiste on top of me. I stared at his eyes they were so mesmerizing. Suddenly, Jean-Baptiste was removed from me and I saw Benjamin punching him square on his jaw.

  Next thing I knew they were on the floor fighting each other's. I stood quickly from the floor and held Benjamin by his shoulders distancing him from his cousin.

  He stood up facing me, his face red; his breathing hard, with fury in his eyes, to say he was scary was an understatement.

  'WHAT WAS THAT? WHAT WAS HE DOING ON TOP OF YOU? DID YOU LET HIM KISS YOU?RAPHAEL ISN'T ENOUGH FOR YOU?HOW MANY MEN DO YOU NEED IN YOUR LIVE?' He yelled in my face, gripping my forearm hard. I was livid how dared he to yell in my face and disrespect me.

  'LISTEN TO ME AND LISTEN TO ME CAREFULLY MISTER,IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHAT I DO AND WITH WHO I DO IT,AND BY THE WAY RAPHAEL IS LIKE A BROTHER TO ME.SO WHY DON'T YOU GO SEE YOUR FIANCE AND LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE.'I screamed in his face, a groan of pain coming from the floor reminded me that Jean-Baptiste was still on the floor. I knelt beside him, his bottom lip was split, his left eye began to bruise and he had a bloody nose.

  'Oh my god, Jean-Baptiste can you stand? 'I asked him

  'I thin-' He was interrupted by Benjamin saying 'Let hi-'

  'SHUT UP! YOU MADE ENOUGH DAMAGE FOR TODAY BENJAMIN, Jean I'm going to help you to stand up and go to the palace where I'm going to clean your injuries.' So I took him to the palace where I cleaned his injuries and after saying goodbye to him I headed back home.


    Hello my dears readers,

   So it looks like Benjamin had lost his calm,poor Jean-Baptiste was beaten up pretty bad,and Natalia was pissed off from Benjamin's behavior.

   So what do you think from this chapter,if you liked   all you have to do is click on the star .

   Yours sincerely,

   мαяια 💋

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