Chapter five:His Fiancé

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Benjamin's POV


When we entered the office I locked the door and pinned Natalia to the door with fury in my eyes. I began breathing near her ear.

'No one, I mean no one disrespect me, and I don't think arrogant asshole is very lady like from you, if you disrespect me one more time I won't hesitate to punish you.' I whispered near her ear.

She took in a sharp breath. What this girl is doing to me? I only knew her for a few hours and she succeeded to make me lose my cool and show a possessive side I didn't know I possessed.

I continued whispering: 'What was your deal?'

It took her a moment to answer, than she began to stutter, so cute, but I nearly lost it when she told me that she wanted to go and be far from me. I told her that she'll never leave and she had to stay and work for me, I even threatened her with sending her mother to jail.

I wasn't kidding when I said that I'll do all my possible to let her stay in the village.

She began throwing insults at me.

I was reminding her about our earlier conversation about disrespecting me when someone knocked at the door. I let Natalia go and opened the door. In came my cousin Jean-Baptiste- he's the son of my father's sister ,his father is French which explain the name-and crushed me in a hug.

Then he noticed Natalia and begin speaking with her in French, he even took her hand and kissed it. What did he want from her? The French girls weren't enough for him; did he have to flirt with every girl he saw?

'Have you finished yet?' I cut in, my cousin was about to answer, when Nicole entered the office greeting everyone and kissing my lips.

'Good morning my handsome fiancé.' She said looking up at me.

I saw the shock on Natalia's face at the word "fiancé", it quickly disappeared when Jean-Baptiste took her hand leading her outside, to give us time "alone". It was clear that he wanted to get her alone, but I won't let him.

I felt someone tugging at my shirt; Nicole, I forgot she was here.I looked at her, she had on her face what I suppose was a seductive smile, she went and locked the door and pushed me on my chair and straddled me, she began undoing her corset, I took her hands and pushed her off me gently.

'What are you doing?' I asked her shocked.

'I missed you, and I love you.' She said with fake innocence.

'I told you before, I won't touch you before we're married, please go out.'

She thinks I'm oblivious of her schemes; she wanted me to get her pregnant to assure our wedding.

I went to the gardens searching for Natalia and my cousin, and what I saw shocked me, Natalia was on the floor with Jean-Baptiste on top of her.


Sooo this is another chapter,what did you think of Benjamin's fiancé,he seemed so in love with her,note the sarcasm.

   Why is Jean-Baptiste on top of Natalia? Benjamin is so happy of this. Riiiight.

Anyway if you liked the chapter click on the little star .
Lots of kisses 😘😘😘 ,

Yours sincerely,

мαяια 💋

The possessive lordWhere stories live. Discover now