Chapter four:His Personal Assistant

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   Natalia's POV

  Once we arrived to the office, the lord locked the door and pinned me against it with such furry in his eyes.

  He lowered his head so he was breathing next to my ear and he whispered: 'No one ,I mean no one disrespect me ,arrogant asshole wasn't very lady like from you, if you disrespect me one more time I won't hesitate to punish you.'

  What the hell is wrong with me, he's threatening me, and why do I found it hot? There are butterflies having a party in my stomach. What is wrong with me?

  He continued whispering: 'What was your deal?'

  I stuttered: 'A-a deal what deal? Oh yes the deal.' What is happening to me? This man isn't good for my sanity.

  'The deal is I go to the city and teach in the school and pay you your debt.'

  His face turned in a face of pure anger. He yelled: 'You'll never quit the village, ever; you'll stay and work in this palace as my personal assistant and that final. I won't accept that you pay the debt any other way and if you refuse I'll throw your mother in jail.'

  'You are an arrogant, controlling bastard. I hate you.' I screamed in his face.

  'I told you; don't you ever disrespect me. I'm goi-' He was interrupted by a knock on the door he quickly let me go and opened the door.

  A guy that was godly like with brown hair and blue gray eyes entered the room.

  The stranger spoke first: 'Hello cousin missed me? It had been months that I haven't seen you and you didn't even send me a letter. I thought I was your favorite.' He began fake sobbing and he took Benjamin in a bone crushing hug. Then his eyes fell on me he discarded his cousin like a dirty sock. He took my hand and kissed it, looking at me dead in the eyes and said:

  'Bonjour belle étrangère, êtes-vous un ange tombé du ciel? Oh mon dieu ça rime. On m'a toujours dit que j'avais l'étoffe d'un poète.' I couldn't help but chuckle.

  'Est-ce que vous parlez français?'

  'Oui, j'ai appris à l'école à parler français. Merci pour le compliment et Bonjour à vous aussi monsieur ...'I trailed off.

  'Jean-Baptiste, à qui ai-je l'honneur ?'


  'Un joli prénom pour une jolie demoiselle.'

  'Have you finished yet?' Benjamin cut in.

  Jean-Baptiste was about to answer when a beautiful blonde girl entered the room saying: 'Good morning.'

  Then, she kissed Benjamin square on the lips. It hurts to see him with another girl, but I shouldn't feel like this he isn't mine and I don't want him to be. I hate him, right??

  'Hello my handsome fiancé.' She said against his neck.

  He had a fiancé?!My thoughts were interrupted by Jean-Baptiste taking my hand.

  See you later cousin, we're going to leave you to have some time en tête-à-tête with your fiancé.

  Come Natalia we're going for a promenade in the gardens.' He said leading me outside and closing the office's door.  


    Salut, mes chers lecteurs,


    Hello my dear readers,

    I was in a mood to add a little bit of french to this chapter,the translations are in the comments.What did you think of Jean-Baptiste?

    By the way I dedicate this chapter to all the french people that are reading this and to all the francophone readers also.

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     Mes salutations,

     мαяια 💋

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