Chapter eighteen:You're mine

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   P.S:Music to the side:I put a spell on you.

   Natalia's POV

  After a few minutes we arrived to what looked like an abandoned cabin,he opened the door and pushed me inside,he entered the cabin and locked the door,and begin removing his clothes.I looked at him with shock and fear what is he going to do to me.


   "Shut up."He roared.

   "Did you enjoyed it?Did it hurt?"he chuckled"of course not,tell many men were you with,you were fooling me when you said you were a virgin and you know what? I believed you I even felt guilt for what I said but I was right from the beginning,how many men touched you,how many kissed you,how many claimed you?"He yelled.

   By now I had tears streaming down my face and I was terrified.He grabbed my hair roughly and screamed:"Answer me."

   "None."I mumbled.

   "What?"He screamed.

   "None."I said more firmly.

"Liar."He yelled grabbing my neck from behind.

"No I'm not,I'm telling the truth.I swear."I said looking at him in the eyes.

"Mathieu told me that you gave yourself to him. And I beat him to a bloody mess nobody touch what is mine.If I hear a single word about Mathieu I'll kill him.Did he tell me the truth?Answer me Natalia."

"You believed him but not me."I said hurt.

"Tell me the truth Natalia."He said.

"I already told you."

"Good."He stayed silent for a few seconds and then turned to me.

    "You're mine , you know that don't you, mine.Tell me whose are you?"Benjamin said looking at me with a heated gaze.

  "I'm my own person , I'm no one  possession .Go possess your fiancé and let me lead my own live, I have the right to build a family, be happy."I responded back staring at him dead in the eyes.

  "NEVER!You heard me never!I'd rather kill you than see you with another man.You belong to me and only me.If I can't have you no one can!"He spit out with such fury and possessiveness in his eyes.

  "Oh my god ! I can't believe you're so selfish ! I won't stay another day in the village after you marry,I'll go and you won't be able to find me."I threatened .There was a quick change in his features from fury to sadness.

  "No, don't do that.I love you.I need you .I can't live without you."He said with such sadness it broke my heart but I have to do this for our own benefit.

  "No,you don't love me ,you just want to possess me I cannot stay here cause I'll not resist long you're gonna break my resolve and make me succumb to you.I'll not let you.I won't  become your mistress."I said turning around and running away from him to the door.

  I didn't even reach the door before arms circled my waist and threw me on the bed.Benjamin climbed on top of me and removed his shirt that he began to unbotton earlier leaving him shirtless.He than removed the shawl that I was wearing and began kissing my neck and collarbone and nibbling at it.He then began nibbling at my earlobe and then he whispered in my ear.

   "I'm going to show you how you belong to me and only me."

   "No,please no.I'm begging you Benjamin please."I said by now I have tear streaming down my face.

   He didn't listen to me and kicked his shoes off and began to unfasten his slacks.

    "Stop Benjamin,stop."I whispered terrified of what is going to happen to me.


Hello dear readers,

  So this is the new chapter,the next update will be when the goal is reached.

  Goal:60 votes on all the story.

  I hope you enjoy the chapter and don't forget to leave me your opinion.

  Yours truly,

   мαяια 💋

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