Chapter nineteen:I'm setting you free

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  First,the story have now 1k+ reads,thank you all for reading.

  Secondly, even if  the goal wasn't reached, this   chapter   is   specially   dedicated   for    -Unicorn_14  for being the first person to vote on my story,and for adding my story on her reading list.This is a special thanks for you.

Natalia's POV

He didn't listen to me and kicked his shoes off and began to unfasten his slacks.

"Stop Benjamin,stop."I whispered terrified of what is going to happen to me.

Suddenly Benjamin went limp against me and his head rested on my chest and he was snoring softly,he passed out from the alcohol.I sighed in relief,and tried to get up but he was so heavy,then he wrapped his arm around my waist and snuggled nearer,I couldn't move,after a few moments I fell asleep to his steady breath.

Benjamin's POV

     I woke up on something soft and warm,I snuggled closer to it and smell Natalia's soft perfume,it's like vanilla and chocolate.Wait Natalia's parfume?

     I opened my eyes,and saw that my head was resting on Natalia's chest.I looked around and realized that I was in the old cabin.What was I doing here?And then all yesterday event hit me like a ton of bricks.Drinking,wich explain the headache. Beating Mathieu up,he deserved it. Going all possessive on Natalia and trying to,to rape her.No,I didn't,did I ?And looked and saw that she was fully dressed,thanks god,and I was in my unfastened slacks.I must have passed out.

    I shouldn't keep her in the village anymore,I don't think I can resist anymore.I cannot marry her,I cannot give her the future she deserved,and she deserved so much.She stirred and opened her eyes,when she saw me fear clouded her eyes.

   I quickly get up,and turned my back to her I cannot support the look she gave me I hate myself so much right now but I had to make her quit the village I don't want to ruin her and ruin her future.

   "Go,I don't want to see you anymore,I'm setting you free.This time luck was on your side,next time you won't be so lucky. Your debt is already paid.And take this is your salary."I said taking a bag full of gold coin from my pocket turning around and giving it to her."Now go pack your things and leave the village."I continued collecting my scattered clothes from the floor and wearing them.

I heard footsteps than the door closing.

"Good bye Natalia."I muttered,once I was fully clothed,I turned to leave the cabin when I remarked the burgundy shawl on the bed,it was the one that was Natalia wearing on top of her night gown.I took it and inhaled deeply,it smelled just like her,I put it on my shoulder and rode toward the palace.

I entered my room and stipped of my clothes to my briefs ,after I told the maid to prepare my bath.

When the bath was ready,I removed my briefs and sunk in the water,and here in the confine of my room,I cried for having lost Natalia,for being obligated to marry Nicole,for having to make the villagers my priority over my personal live.

After an hour of sitting in the bathtub crying I quickly washed myself,wore my briefs,told the guards to take the bathtub out,and then I remembered the top of the pajamas that Natalia wore that I hadn't wash,I wore it and went to sleep hugging the shawl to my chest, on the pillow that Natalia used.

  And wrapped in Natalia's scent I cried myself to sleep.


    Goal for next update:70

Yours truly,

мαяια 💋

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