Chapter two: The grumpy lord

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   Benjamin's POV (Earlier this day)

  I arrived to the school this morning, I had business in the city and the daughter of our maid needed a ride to the village so I proposed to help because my business was at school being the main financial contribute.

  After greeting the receptionist I asked where Natalia was and she pointed to the corner. Sitting there was the most beautiful girl, I had ever seen, my breath was taken away by her doe like brown eyes, small nose, rosy cheeks, and soft looking full lips, long brown hair, adorable freckles, svelte silhouette, and approximately 5ft 5",she was short compared to my 6ft 3".

  She was so busy checking me out she didn't realized I was talking to her, then she excused herself and showed me where were her luggage, then went outside while I check my business.

  It took a while to check all the numbers but eventually I finished and headed out and what I saw had my blood in fire. Natalia had her arms around Raphael and was speaking with him then he swept her off her feet and then I lose it and said with a booming voice:

  'What is happening here? Put her down right now.'

  Both turned their heads toward me.

  'I was just helping her climb in the carri-' Raphael began when he was interrupted by Natalia who was fixing me with a glare: 'Raph you don't have to explain anything to him, and who do you think you are to order us around?'

  I didn't answer her cause she was right I am no one to her and I had a fiancé but I'll be doomed if I let another touch her, where this thoughts came from? Clearing my thoughts I carried her suddenly and put her in the carriage and climbed after her.

  Why am I feeling like that? I never felt like this toward any person. It must be the fact that she is so young and innocent I don't want anybody to take advantage of her and I was the lord after all I need to take care of my people, right?

  Natalia's POV

  Who does he think he is? He acts as if I'm one of his little minions that he can control, fortunately after today I won't need to see him anymore.

  After a few hours we arrived near to the village, I'm so excited to see all the villagers again, and especially my mother, she's going to be so happy when I tell her that I got a job offer as a teacher is the city so she doesn't have to work anymore as a maid and can rest after long years of hard work.


      Hello my dear readers,

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     Lots of love 💘 ,

     Yours sincerely,

     мαяια 💋

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