Chapter twelve:Bath time

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Natalia's POV

  I am so tired,and this bed is so comfortable,it's like sleeping on a cloud,I didn't know that my hard mattress could feel so good.I opened my eyes to a cone like chandelier,chandelier?I sat up straight in the king's like bed and looked around the room,to say it was beautiful would be an understatement,the dominant colors were dark brown,cream,and different shades of red and orange.The smell of Benjamin was very strong in this room,it must be his.

  I was so absorbed by watching the room,that I didn't pay attention to the maid that entered the room carring a pitcher of water.

   "Oh!You're awake miss!"

   "Yes,were am I?"

   "You're in lord Benjamin bedroom,yesterday you fainted in the office,and we brought you here.The doctor said you need rest,so the lord insisted you stay here this week so he can be accurate that you recovered completely."

  "I'm not a child I can take care of my self,and my mother must be worried sick that I didn't return home yesterday."

  "Don't worry,the lord sent a message to your mother."

  "Well I'm not staying here."I said removing the cover from me.

  "Please miss have pity the lord say that if you go out of the room he's going to fire me."

   "Arrogant,controlling bastard."I mumbled angrily.

   "Fine, I'm staying."

    "Thank you,the doctor said that you need to take a warm bath to help you relax.I'm going to let them prepare it."

    "Okay,thank you for your services."

    "No need to thank me it's my job."She said smiling,and exited the room.

     Five minutes later,two guards entered the room with a bathtub that screamed royalty.It was dark brown .And they were followed by six maid,four were carrying water each two were carring a basin of hot water and one was carrying soap, scented salts,a loofa,rose petals,and a big towel,the other one was carrying what I supposed was clean clothes.

   When they finished,they offered me help,that I declined.Once they exited the room I removed my dress,and sunk in the tub I couldn't stop the moan that escaped me,damn this is the best and first bath that I had.At home I always tooked a quick shower,but this is pure bliss.I was so caught in my thoughts that I didn't remarked Benjamin stading by the door looking at me wide eyed with his jaw touching the floor.Oops!

     Hello my dear readers,

     Do you think that Benjamin know how to knock on a door,seriously 😜

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     Yours truly,

     мαяια 💋

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