Chapter twenty two:He marked me

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Natalia's POV

  We entered the appartement and were greeted by a beautiful little kitchen the floor was covered by auburn hardwood floor.It has an island in the middle with two chairs.The sink was L shaped,and it was cutted by a brick oven,the cupboards were blue colored and there was two big windows that illuminated the kitchen.There was also two golden chandeliers.

"Where do you want me to put the luggage?"Taylor asked.

"In the bedroom,please."I said and opened the door,it was the bedroom's door,the floor was beige.In the middle of the room was a kingsized bed made of auburn wood and the comforter was a turquoise color,beside the bed was an auburn wooden bedside table,with a white lamp on top of it,all the wooden furniture in the room were the same color and there was a carpet in front of the bed.

Taylor followed me and put the luggage on the floor.

"Thank you."I said turning to him.

"You're welcome,do you wanna have a tea with me in my appartement."He asked politely.

"Sorry,I'm so tired maybe another time."

"Oh,ok see you around Natalia.Bye."He said exiting the room.

"Bye."I heard the front door being closed.

I plopped on the bed,exhausted,I have to see the house before and unpack then I can take a shower and sleep.So I went and open the door in my room,it must be the bathroom,I opened the door and was greeted by a big bathroom with a wooden ceiling,the walls were divided in two colors,the upper half was white,and the bottom half was mocha colored wood,there was a blue bathtub,and a big sink and there was also a toilet.

Then I exited the room,and opened a double door that was made of white wood and glass.Inside was the salon,there was a fire place surrounded by cream armchairs,there was a cream carpet on the floor,there were an opening in the wall that lead to the dinning room,both rooms were very bright with a lot of windows,the dinning had a table that had six chairs around it,on the table were placed candles and a flower pot,without forgetting the big crystal chandelier.

  Having finished seeing the house,I entered my room and began unpacking my bags after two hours I finished,it was eight in the evening,I took a relaxing and well needed bath,and then went and stood in front of the mirror looking at myself when I suddenly gasped.

My neck and collarbones were littered with different sized hickeys.

He had marked me.


   Hello dear readers,

So it is a new chapter I'm very glad that the goal was reached ,as you realised it's just a filler chapter I'm working on a more long and juicy one.

  Hope you like my story,if you liked click on the little star ⭐️.

  Goal:170 votes

   Yours sincerly,

    мαяια 💋

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