Chapter thirteen:Confessions

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Benjamin's POV

Natalia is still sleeping from yesterday,but I am not worried because the doctor said that it's normal.I'm going right now to check on her.I entered my chamber,and sight that greeted me made my blood rush south: Natalia seated naked in the bathtub,and then a moan escaped her and I don't know how didn't I loose control and take her there and then.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard Natalia screamed:"Get out!Get out right now!"

"Okay,okay I'm going but you must stay in the bath for at least thirty minutes,doctor's orders."I said my back turned to her.

"Okay,go out."

I exited the room and tried to calm myself,it's never a good idea to walk around with a monster in your pant.It didn't want to get down so I had to take the matter in hand.

After one hour,I returned to my chamber,and saw Natalia sleeping soundly in my bed wearing my black silk pajamas,when she stirred a little in the covers a section of her thigh appeared.Damn she wasn't wearing any pants.

It's already night,so I went and asked the servants if Nataia had her dinner and her medicines they said yes,and I told them to take the bathtub out.I alredy had my dinner.I told the guards that were posted in front of my bedroom to not let anyone in and to not tell anyone that Natalia is in there.

I entered my room and locked my doors,and stipped from my clothes and stayed in my briefs.I climbed in bed next to Natalia how's back was facing me,I put my arm around her torso and my leg around her thighs so I was drapped like a blanket around her,and pulled the covers up and like this I fell asleep.

The nexy morning,I was woken up from the best sleep I had had in ages by something poking my chest.I opened my eyes and saw Natalia's little fists were hitting my chest repeatedly,so cute she thought that it'll hurt me.I took both of her fists in my hand and looked at Natalia,even with her hair sticking in all the directions she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

  "Let go of me you brute."

  "Good morning to you too,if you stop massaging my   chest I'll let you go I don't want you to waste your energy on my chest when there is another place that need your touch more."I said smirking.

  "Which place..."Then it clicked"you perverted asshole.Wait a minute are you naked?"

  "No,I have my briefs on but if you want I can take them off."

  "No,thank you but no.If you want to do something wear some clothes now let me go I have to go to the restroom."She said heading to the door.

   "Where  are you going ?"

    "To the restroom."

    "Dressed like this!There a lot of men walking around in the hallway.Use the one that is in the room and I'll use the one in the hallway."I said.Once she entered the restroom I wore the bottom of the pajamas that was wearing Natalia and exited the room to go brush my teeth and do my business.

   Natalia's POV

   After I brushed my teeth I exited the restroom,and saw Benjamin entering the bedroom.Oh my god he had a tanned skin with a six packs,it was worth drooling,I even put my hand on my chin to make sure there wasn't any drool there.

  He realised I was checking him out and said:

"Like what you see?"

"I've seen better."

"How many did you see,do you go around checking out men."He said angrily.

"Don't you dare repeat what you did yesterday,I'm still mad at you.Why do you care about what I do and with who I do it?Why are you so possessive?"

"Do you wanna know why?I do that cause I love you,I've loved you the first time I saw you but I kept giving excuses to myself but you know what you can't lie to yourself.Do you love me?Yesterday you said you love me do you mean it?"He said looking at me with such affection in his eyes and longing.

"Yes,I mean it.I love you Benjamin.I loved you since I was a little girl.But you know what the real question is are you willing to broke up with your fiancé and marry me."I asked looking at him dead in the eyes,he closed his eyes and hung his head.

  "That what I thought."I said looking away.

  "You don't understand,"he said grasping my chin,"I am obligated to do that to have the safety of the village accurate.So please bear with me,I don't love her,I only love you.I need you."

  "I cannot do this anymore Benjamin you're hurting me,I'm going to stay until the day of your marriage,I don't want to be your mistress,nor I want to be the one that you'll broke your vows with.This is my final decision."

  He was going to answer when the lock of the door turned.


Hello dear readers,

Benjamin finally confess his feelings to Natalia.So cute 😻😻😻

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Yours sincerely,

мαяια 💋

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