Chapter seventeen:Awakening the beast

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   Benjamin's POV

    Natalia was dancing and talking with that parasite she was even smiling,she never smiled in my company  she was always glaring,scowling,or insulting me.

   I went and cut their dance rudely,and began dancing with Natalia.

   "What was he telling you that had you so happy?"I whispered in her ear.

   She looked at me with a smug smirk and said:
"He was asking my permission."

   "For what?"I asked confused.

"For courting me."She said with a full blown smile.

"What??Did you accept?"I asked outraged.

"Have you seen him,he's gorgeous,nice,caring. What could I ask more?He's perfect."She said looking at me in the eyes.

I left quickly before I commit a murder,leaving Natalia standing alone on the dance floor.

A few hours later

"More,p-please."I stuttered asking the girl serving in the tavern for more alcohol.

    What did they do after I left,did he took her home, or did took her back to his house?Did he kissed her?Did she let him?Maybe he did more than just kissing.Did she give herself to him?At this thought I sobered up.What was his last name I heard him saying it to Natalia.Evans,no,A-Adams,yes Adams.I know were their house is,his father sell horses.

I mounted my horse and went to my destination. When I arrived I went and knocked harshly on the door.Mathieu opened the door startled.

"My lord,what are you doing here it's nearly 2 in the morning?"He said his voice husky from sleep.

"Come,I need to speak to you."I said.

Mathieu's  POV

I woke up to a lound knocking on the door.I opened the door startled and saw it was lord Benjamin.

    I asked him what he wanted and he told me to come with him to talk,I followed him outside,and next thing I know is that I was pinned against a tree,with Benjamin hands tight around my neck but not enough to chock me.

  "Listen you little shit,stay away from Natalia,she's mine,do you understand that,M.I.N.E."He said through clenched teeth.

  "First you have a fiancé,and second how can she be yours when I already claimed her as mine.And let me   tell you something she's very tight."I said smirking, okay maybe I was lying for the second point but this man angered me to no end he deserved it.I was interrupted from my thoughts by a punch on my jaw, then everything went black.

   Natalia's POV

   A lound knock on my door has me jumping in my bed,I quickly went to open the door before the person on the other side break it.

    I opened the door and guess who?Yeah Benjamin what a surprise really,note the sarcasm.He was pissed off,I can tell from his expression,and he was carrying a bottle of what I assume was alcohol.

    "Get out right now.Don't you dare open your mouth or I'm going to cause a scandal,I promise you."

    I went out without a word next thing I hear is glass being shattered and me being put on Benjamin's shoulder and seated on his horse,he climbed after me,then he went to god know where.

     After a few minutes we arrived to what look like an abandoned cabin,he opened the door and pushed me inside,he entered the cabin and locked the door,and begin removing his clothes.I looked at him with shock and fear. What is he going to do to me?


Hello my dear readers,

So this is the new chapter,what do you think is going to happen to Natalia?What Benjamin had in head?

Next update is on Wednesday.For an earlier update the goal is 60 votes on all the story,when the goal is reached I will update immediately.

Yours truly,

мαяια 💋

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