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Benjamin's POV

When he announced that he'll marry Nicole's cousin to Natalia.

  'Natalia I am to marry Nicole cousin next week and I can't do anything about it. You'll always be the only woman I had ever loved and the one I love and will love forever. Will you come to my wedding? You're the only person that matters to me, will you come and give a closure to our story?' I fake sobbed.

I hope she'll believe me, I thought worried about being discovered.

'Yes I'll come.' She replied.

  Yes she believed me, now all I have to do is to begin the preparation for the wedding.

  I told her parents and they accepted to help me in my plan, I also involved Jean-Baptiste.

  By the end of the week, I'll be married to the love of my live.

Natalia POV

It was two month now that we were married, we were leaving in the castle very peacefully.

  Our live was perfect but I was very tired those day, and was nauseous every morning, I think I may be pregnant so I asked for the doctor  to come and check on me.

After half an hour, he finished the examination.

'Congradulation my lady you're pregnant.

  A huge smile broke on my face at that news.

  'Thank you doctor but promise me you will not tell Benjamin I'll tell him myself.'

  I asked the servant to bring me a pair of shoes for babies, and I put them on the desk of his study.

  After a while, he came in the room where I was settled comfortably on bed reading a book.

  'Why did you put those on my study?' He said showing me the shoes.

  'Because my love we will use them soon.' I said casually continuing my book.

  'You're pregnant.' he said shocked.

  'Yes.' I said setting the book aside, and standing up, he took me in his arms and spun me around.

  'I love you.' He said in my hair.

  'I love you more.'

  This was the beginning of our ever after.

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