Chapter nine:A new acquaintance

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  Natalia's POV

  I swear this man is bipolar he went from avoiding me for two weeks to confessing to me that he desired me to telling me that he missed me,but I missed him like crazy this two weeks,I spent them working,when I finished I went to see Jean-Baptiste how left last week to France,he was fun to be around.

  Anyway today is Sunday,wich mean I have a day off work and I am not going to think about Benjamin I made enough of that the last weeks.

I went to the market to buy some stuffs.First I entered the fabric store where I bought 2 expensive clothes:one cream with gold patter,and one dark red.They will be perfect to make new dresses.

While I was walking in the market,I crushed in a wall,wait since when there were walls in the middle of the roads,I waited for the impact but it never came,the wall steadied me with his muscular arms,muscular arms ?I looked up and saw a handsome guy with silky brown locks and sparkling blue eyes,and stubble on his face.

  "Hello,I'm Mathieu,I never see you around and I know practically everyone."He said with a charming smile.

   "Hello I'm Natalia,I returned to the village two weeks ago after eight years in the city,and this is the first time I go to the market after I returned."I told him mirroring his smile.

  "This explain why I don't know.Wait Natalia?Aren't you the lord new personal assistant?"

  "Yeah,words circle fast here."

  "Yep,they do.So Natalia,see you soon.I really need to go."


  "Bye"He said weaving at me.

  After this I decided to return home and start with the patterns for the dresses.

After a few hours I finished the sketches of the dresses,and went to sleep.Tomorrow I had work early.

Monday morning

I entered the castle early and saw all the stuffs were occupied and running from side to side.I stopped one of them.

"What's happening here?"I asked.

"This weekend there is the annual gala organized by the lord parents to reunite all the villagers and all the people are invited"He informed me.

"Thank you"

I continued to the office and began working.After an hour Benjamin entered the office.

"Are you coming to the gala?"He asked.

"Yes,isn't all the villagers invited?"

"Yes,they are.Who is your date for the reception?"He asked with an edge in his voice.

"I don't have a date,yet.And how is your date?"

"My fiancé,Nicole."I already knew the answer but that didn't stop the pang of jealousy that hit me.

"Good for you,I would like to continue chatting with you but as you see I have work to do."I said with a tight smile.

"Okay,I won't bother you anymore,bye."

"Bye"I replied with fake joy.I was going to make a magnificent dress to show him what he's missing being with this Nicole.


My dear readers say hello to Mathieu,

You're going to see more of him in the next chapters.

Are you in team Benjamin or team Mathieu?

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Yours truly,

мαяια 💋

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