Chapter twenty nine: Confrontations

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Natalia's POV

When we arrived to the city,we stopped in front of a mansion.

'Why did we stopped here?' I asked coldly looking at my father; I was still angry about Benjamin.

'It's our new house,the proprietor is quitting the village to settle in London,so I bought it from him.I had one of our new servant go and fetch your things Diane.They should be on our room by now.' My father said walking in our new house.

'Hello Master Damien.' A man in his fifties said bowing.

'Albert,meet my wife;Lady Diane,and my daughter; Miss Natalia.This is Albert our butler.'

'It's nice to meet you,Lady,Miss.The house is ready as you asked,Sir.'

'Take the stuff of Natalia,please and put them in the west wing,please.'

'As you wish,Sir.'He said collecting my luggage.

Once we were in the living room,I faced my father and looked straight in his eyes.

'Who do you think you are to take decisions about me.I haven't even known you for a day and you're already ordering me around.Where were you,when my mother had to work as a servant,for me to live and learn? Where were you when my mother was awake all night crying and when slept many nights with an empty stomach to feed me,after your parents kicked us out? Where were you the last seventeen years? I don't know,but I'm sure of is that it's none of your business what I do with my live.' I said storming out of the house.

'Natalia.' I heard my mom shouting and running after me.I stopped.

'Natalia,listen.'She said,putting her hand on my shoulder.'You were harsh to your father.He doesn't deserve this outburst,he had suffered also. Your father loves you and want the best to you. He is right Natalia,Benjamin is bad for you,he doesn't love you enough to leave his fiancé.'

'It's not his fiancé;that he's attached to,it's his responsibilities toward the village.' I said pleadingly.

'Natalia,what will you do when he will marry her? Do you want to become his mistress?' She said staring in my eyes.

'No,no.' I said hugging my mom tight. 'You're right but I love so much, it hurts.'I continued crying on her shoulder.

'It will get easier with time.You have to move on Natalia, find a man that will make you forget Benjamin.I know it's hard but you have to try.' She said hugging me tighter.

After a few seconds, we returned to the house. Once inside, I went to my father,and hugged him.

'I'm sorry for my outburst. I wasn't thinking,I know that you had suffered too,and I hope you will forgive me.' He tightened his arms around me.

'I understand you Natalia. You had a lot of problems and I came and ordered you around. I hope that from now on we can live as a happy family.' He replied after awhile of silent.

'Okay, we have a deal.' I said smiling widely.

Now I have a complete family.


Hello dear readers,

So this is a new chapter of the possessive lord.
I hope you like it.

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Yours sincerely,

мαяια 💋

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