Chapter fifteen:The ball (Part 1)

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Friday (the day preceding the ball)

   Natalia's POV

  It's been more than one week that I haven't seen Benjamin,I missed him terribly but it's for the best,Nicole is his future and I won't be his dirty little secret. Each day,he sent three meals for me and my mother to make sure that I eat healthy and he sent the doctor two times a day to make sure I took my medicines and that I was fine.He's so protective.

  Today is the first day I'm free from staying in bed,I had to finish my mask for the ball yet,and go buy some dried flowers for my flower crown.Today is going to be a big day.

  Saturday (The day of the ball)

  Benjamin's POV

   Today is the ball all the villagers and the noble of the village are going to be here,but the only person that I wanted to see is a certain brunette that drive me crazy.

"Sir,the guest are going to arrive any minutes now you must go downstairs."One of my pages said.

"Okay,thank you Kale for the information you may go."I said putting my mask on and exiting my room.

When I arrived downstairs,Nicole latched herself onto my arm,looking at me with a smile that looked more loke a grimace it must be the mountain of make up that she caked her face with.I may not love her but I can't deny that she was beautiful,Natalia was way more beautiful,she didn't need that much make up,but each person is free to do what they want with their face.Nicole was wearing an orange and light grey dress with a matching mask and had her hair in a bun.

We went and greeted my parents they were a very happy couple,my dad loved my mom more than himself,and mom felt the same way for him.They argue a lot but that make their relation stronger.I wish I have the same thing,a perfect love live.I wish I have the courage to share my feelings with them,but I must protect my people even if it's killing me in the inside.

   The guests began to arrive,after a while the most beautiful person I had ever seen,she was wearing a cream and beige mask with crystal scattered on it,and a simple yet amazing cream dress with gold pattern and her hair was made in a beautiful up do where she inserted a flower crown.She looked regal.
(picture of the outfit attached to chapter ten)

I was so mesmerized by her beauty I didn't pay attention to the vermin holding her arm it must be this guy Mathieu who sent her the letter.He's so ugly what did she saw in him.

Yeah right,keep telling your self that.My conscience of taunted me.

Okay,he was handsome with brown hair and blue eyes,he was wearing a cream jacket with black details,underneath it he was wearing a buttons up shirt with a black neck bow and black slacks and shoses and he was wearing a black and cream mask with gold contours.They were matching perfectly.

I think they make a cute couple,I hope they marry I ship them completely.My conscience commented.

Shut up no one asked for your opinion.I said back.I am really arguing with myself.Ugh.

They approached us,and Natalia began:

"Good evening my lords,ladies."


Hello my dear readers,

So the ball finally began,wich outfit do you prefer?I liked Natalia's outfit frankly, Nicole's outfit isn't my style.Give me your opinion and if you liked vote.

Yours truly,

мαяια 💋

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