Chapter twenty six:A heatwarming reunion

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Diane's POV


     When I opened the door I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips.


"Damien."I screamed jumping in his arms,tears spilling from my eyes like two rivers.

"Diane."He murmured in my hair,hugging me closer.

After a few minutes,we pulled back.

"How I missed you,you haven't changed,my love."He said looking at me with love and longing swirling in his beautiful eyes.

"I missed you so much,enter we have a lot of catching up."I said stepping away from the door.

    "Why aren't you at my parents house?When I asked about you they told that you live at your father house."

   "It's a long story,and it's in the past,now tell me about you where have you been all this years."

   "Diane don't change the subject.Tell me now."He said looking at me straight in the eyes,he's always been stubborn,juste like Natalia.

   "After you went missing,and everyone thought you dead,promise me to remain calm,"I paused looking at him,he nodded,"your parents throw us out me and Natalia,so I returned to my father house,after a while he fell ill and died."

  "What they throw you out of our house!"He said his voice raising.

  "You promised."I said seizing his arm.

  "What about Natalia what happened to her?"

  "When she was ten years old,I send her to the city to a boarding school,two month ago she came back here but she returned to the school to teach there."

  "Wait a minute,how did you provide to her all this years?"

  "I worked as a maid in the castle of the lord."

   "What?My wife working as a maid.They'll regret the hour,they throw you out." He said running out.

Natalia's POV

"No Benjamin we cannot be this selfish,I cannot let you lose all what you worked hard for."I said looking at him in the eyes,leaning in and kissing him softly.

"I love you so much,if we are meant to be together we will be,only time can tell.We cannot marry without you finding another compromise to protect the village."

"Natalia,return to the village,your presence will give me courage to continue."

"I cannot leave my work,Benjamin.But I promise you I'll come every weekend to the village to see you."

"Okay,my love."

"Benjamin were are we?"

"It's an apartment that I own in the city.Natalia promise me to stay away from this man."

"I told you before,that we're only friend."

"Yeah,but he has to understand you're mine.Stay here today."

  "I cannot we have to go check on Taylor,come."I said rolling my eyes at his possessiveness.


    Hello dear readers,

So this is the new the update,I'm sorry for the wait.

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