"I may not remember much, but I do know that I had the best time with you last night." Charlie drops his hand from his mouth and lifts his head to stare into my eyes, pushing his hair back from his face at the same time. "And I know this is awkward...
I'm honestly surprised I didn't die of alcohol poisoning from everything I drank last night. I lean my forehead against the cold window and take a couple deep breaths, trying to think of anything that I might have missed. There are still a couple of gray spots, but I think I got everything.
I feel a hand playing with one of my braids, so I look over my shoulder to smile at Ellie. She looks back at me curiously, motioning for me to text her so she can know what's going on.
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Ellie scoffs from the backseat before tapping fills the air.
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I purse my lips as I try to search my memory for images of Ellie doing a keg stand. I briefly remember a pair of brown legs up in the air and me laughing as I slapped someone's ass...
I shake away the memories, instead segueing into what I really want to talk to her about.
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Ellie gasps as she leans between the seats, not bothering to type out her response She tugging on one of my braids, leaning in between the seats to glare at me. "You're supposed to make me feel better, not worse!" She huffs.
"And you're supposed to make sure I get home alive!" I hiss back.
She glowers at me, crossing her arms over her chest as she leans back and faces away from me. I laugh as I turn back around in my seat.