*REVISED* Chapter Twenty-seven

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"Turn right here!" I shout suddenly, pointing frantically to the corner we are about to pass. "Right, I said right!"

Charlie huffs loudly as he slams on the brakes trying to make the turn at the last second. "Has anyone ever told you that you suck at giving directions?"

"Maybe once or twice," I laugh apologetically as I look around to try and figure out where we are. "Oh look! Slow down!"

I roll down the window of the truck so can point out the school that we are passing. "That is the elementary school I went to. It's pretty big for a K through Six if you think about it."

I look around again before I point to the store on the corner. "That's the liquor store I used to love going to! They always sold this one kind of candy I could never find anywhere else, called Squeeze Pops! The sour ones were the best. I haven't been there in ye—

"Oh turn left here!"

I resist the insane urge to grab the wheel, wishing for the millionth time the Charlie just let me drive so I can guide us through town. He barely follows my command, swerving into the left lane and through the yielding light at the last possible second, which again makes me grateful that the streets are empty this time of night.

I point out more landmarks as we drive through town, focusing on the places that hold a personal significance to me, although I of course include the necessary amenities instead.

"That's the one of two movie theaters in town, but the other one is better because they just got those cool reclining chairs." I pivot as I look out the other window, leaning against Charlie as I try to see better through his side.

"Don't go to that restaurant unless you want food poisoning, but funny enough I actually did go there once because I wanted food poisoning to get out of going to this family thing, and it worked all too we—

"There's the park!" I screech, my arm almost blocking Charlie's line of sight as I try to roll down his window.

"Are you trying to kill the both of us?" He laughs nervously, as he slows down drastically once more, the truck crawling along at this point. I giggle in embarrassment as I put some distance between us, looking back out the window on my side.

"If you go down that street over there it would take you to the high school I would have gone to if I didn't go to St. Bart's. Oh turn left again at the next light." I make sure to give Charlie enough time to turn properly as I lean forward in my seat. He turns when appropriate and we start navigating through the Old Town area, where most of the Mom and Pop shops and located.

"I don't tend to shop over here. The things aren't typically worth the price. But if you take this road all the way down it leads to New East, which I love going to." I lean forward even further, pretending I can see all the way down the dimly lit road to the new stores and restaurants that line the various plazas and shopping centers. But my eyes fail me, so I lean against the plush seating as silence overwhelms us.

"Is that everything?" Charlie asks as he continues to drive straight, the slight transition between the old part of town and the new part occurring seamlessly.

"Everything that's worth seeing, anyway." I look around once more trying to think of anything that I've missed.

"So I was right," he grins as we idle at a red light. "There isn't much to do in East Greenbush."

I start to defend my hometown when the idea comes to the front of my mind; the one place I haven't taken him. "The car park! Turn the car around!"

His eyebrows furrow confusedly as he tries to figure out what I'm going on about now. "The car park? Isn't that like a British parking lot?"

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