"Babe, are you listening to me?" I shift my gaze from the sidewalk up to his eyes.
"What?" I shake my head as I look back up at him, a smile immediately covering my face. "Sorry, I guess I zoned out."
"You've been zoning out all night." He laughs reaching over to grab my hand. I subtly move it out of reach, tucking one of my curls behind my ear with the hand he was trying to grab.
He drops his hand to his side, fiddling with his belt loop. "Well, this is it."
"Yeah, this is it." I glide to a stop in front of my apartment building. "Thanks for taking me out tonight, Damon. I was really hesitant to say yes when you asked me out, but I had a decent time."
I take my key and insert it into the lock that will let me into the building, hoping that my final words will be enough to let me escape unbothered.
"You say that like the night is over," Damon laughs while scratching the back of his head.
"It is," I mimic his laugh sarcastically as I push open the door.
"Aww, don't be like that Kaiydeen. It's only 6!" A lopsided smile takes over his face, the same one that even got me to say yes in the first place. "No one should spend their birthday alone. Especially their 20nd birthday."
"Turning 20 really isn't anything special." I laugh politely while edging inside. "I can't even drink yet."
"Well then let me buy you a drink!" His eyes light up at the idea. "I'll buy us a bottle and we can spend the night watching movies and getting drunk."
"I don't think that's the best idea," I frown as I take another step back, almost completely inside the building at this point. "In literally every conversation we've ever had with each other I made it explicitly clear I'm not going to fuck you."
He holds up his hands in surrender feigning innocence. "I never said anything about sex!"
"It was obviously heavily implied," I roll my eyes as I start to shut the door.
"Can I at least come upstairs and use the bathroom?" He begs crossing his legs to exaggerate how badly he needs to pee. "I really gotta take a piss."
My frown deepens at his obvious ploy to get past the front door. I've also made it perfectly clear that there is no way in hell he will ever see the inside of my apartment, but Damon is an insistent little shit.
"There's a gas station a couple blocks down that has public restrooms." I point down the block before turning my back to him. "I hope there isn't a long line."
I smile teasingly before I shut the door, walking into the foyer and over to the elevator before he can get in another word. I pretend I don't hear him knocking on the door and waving from the outside the glass; and I pray one of my neighbors don't show up at this moment and let him into the building.
Thankfully the elevator arrives relatively quickly, so I walk inside, pressing the button for the 5th floor. I relax as the doors slide closed, my eyes following suit as I reminisce on this lonely day.
I've been by myself since I woke up this morning, not having to attend any classes since it's Saturday, but I also took the day off from work, thinking I would get to spend the entire day with my Ellie. But she was called into her internship last minute, and wasn't even there in the morning to tell me happy birthday.I open my eyes to the sound of the bell signaling I've arrived on the fifth floor. I slowly walk down the hall, not looking forward to coming back to an empty apartment.
Ellie's probably still at work, and won't be getting back into later. I guess I can get started on the homework that's due Thursday. I jam my key into the lock and turn, pushing the door open. I should have bought myself a cake so I can eat the entire thing by myself in the dark.

Loves Me Not
Teen Fiction"I may not remember much, but I do know that I had the best time with you last night." Charlie drops his hand from his mouth and lifts his head to stare into my eyes, pushing his hair back from his face at the same time. "And I know this is awkward...