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I was on a thali hunt now. And by thali, I mean this particular vermilion smeared thali that the pandit ji had asked for.

How on Earth do they even remember these many customs?

Thoughts still muddled with the difference between two thalis the pandit ji had explained a couple of seconds ago, I returned to Mala aunty; who was stuck at pretty much the same place where I'd last left her. Meaning, she was still seating the priest in the mandapa.

The pallu of her saree nestled on her lap, as she sat uncomfortably cross legged next to the pandit despite her arthritis problems with clear lines of stress marring her features.

My Ma was there to help, but from the look on Aunty's face I figured she was beyond exhausted.

"Can I help?" I asked both the ladies.

"You're doing enough darling." Aunty smiled affectionately.

"....but Aunty-"

"....Disha needs you. Why don't you spend some time with her?" My Mother cut.

"...but I'm sure I can be of help here. Tell me what I can do na."

"Aditi." Ma affirmed, "...Disha really needs you. You'd be of help if you can calm her down."

Already aware that fighting with my Mother was never a smart decision, I sighed and accepted my defeat before beginning to walk towards Disha's room. Ma's familiar shriek sliced through the wedding shehnai,

"...get dressed you two!"

I pulled up a thumbs up her way, before scurrying off at the required direction.

The bride's side of the family and guests had been earmarked a completely different end of the Hotel that had been booked for the four days long wedding ceremonies. The hustle bustle was more than evident.

The elevator doors slid open on the ground floor even before I would press the button conveniently, and to my complete and utter shock my eyes landed on a frightened Arjun and a startled Aakash.

What the heck were they doing in the bride's side of the bookings?

"What're you guys doing here?" I tried to ask harshly, fully aware my voice had pretty much softened towards the end.

Of course Arjun's here to meet Disha before the final ceremony. That cheeky loverboy!

"I..uh...we..." Arjun stuttered and looked at Aakash helplessly.

"You're hopeless Arjun." I said, rolling my eyes.

Aakash chuckled from Arjun's side.

As if this whole scene wasn't enough, he replied cornily, "Hopeless for Disha!"

I rolled my eyes at that cheesy comment again.

"Just be a little careful you two. If Mala aunty comes to know, she'll tear the whole place down! You know the groom and bride are not supposed to meet before the main ceremony."

"Yeah...yeah...I wouldn't sneak him in without planning now would I Aditi?" said Aakash, gazing my way.

"Uh...yeah..." was all I managed to speak with a weak smile in his general direction.

Jeez. I've been friends with him for years now! Why am I feeling so awkward around him suddenly?

"You know you should tell her now." Arjun whispered into Aakash's ear as they walked past me, assuming his words weren't within my hearing range.

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