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"It would've been a little more convenient for me to dress up if you would've told me who we're meeting." I stated irritably as Dev and I waited outside a mansion.

No kidding, it was a mansion. And I thanked the Almighty that I was dressed in a classy top and leggings. Call it my gut feeling; but I'd sensed a major meeting.

Dev caste me a sideward glance as he quickly took in my appearance and then looked ahead replying,

"You're aptly dressed for the event."

"That is not the point. What if I weren't aptly dressed for the event?"

He looked at me calmly as he glanced at his watch briefly;

"I've either seen you in kurtis or western formals. If nothing; I know that you'll dress appropriately-"

The door to the house swung open before he could complete or I could mentally smile at how much Dev had noticed.

Before me stood a woman of her early thirties; about an inch or two shorter than Dev. Her slick straight, dark brown hair; went all the way down to the small of her back. Her face was devoid of makeup; except a hint of kohl. She wore a long, knee length kurti with tight leggings. And somehow; even her plump; not-so-sexy figure made her look drop dead gorgeous. Perfect hair; perfect skin; perfect everything.

"Dev!" she exclaimed with excitement as she pulled him in for a hug with a huge smile on her face.

There was a look of lack of surprise in her eyes that didn't go unnoticed to my eyes. Which meant Dev had informed her about our visit.

It was only when she drew back from the hug that my mind decided;

She is the epitome of natural beauty.

And I couldn't not want to look like her.

She gave me a friendly smile as she ushered us into her mansion of a house; seating us on her plush; luxurious sofa.

"So; introduce me to her will you?" she questioned Dev.

"Yeah. This is Aditi; my uh colleague and friend. And Aditi; this is Vidushi; my schoolmate-"

"-and his senior." She cut with a grin.

"Hi." I smiled; genuinely glad to meet her but wondering why Dev brought me there.

"I must tell you Aditi; I absolutely love that top of yours."

Coming from her; I took that as a serious compliment as I beamed; "Thank you."

The two friends started to catch up thereafter. And though they continuously got me to join the conversation; I obviously felt left out.

It was not something I liked to admit to myself; but something about their treatment towards me made me feel too immature at their presence.

Dev was also a good four years older than me; but I'd never felt the age difference; until that day. He didn't do it on purpose obviously; but his conduct and his demeanour as he joked around with his school friend only made me feel like a child.

And as much as I hated myself for it; I was getting envious of Vidushi for the way Dev treated her.

He'd always pampered me. Taking care of me; showing me the right path; that was how he'd always treated me; the way he would treat a responsibility. More like a naive responsibility who couldn't take care of herself.

While when he spoke to Vidushi; there was this weird sense of equality in his eyes.

And that hurt the independent woman in me.

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