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Delhi had a charm of its own. Of course I was judging it only superficially; but everything screamed of development. Well maintained roads and modern buildings followed our car as we headed for our hotel from the Airport.

There still was the slight February chill in the air and I'd been careful enough to pack some warm clothes; considering our stay was to last a good three weeks.

My eyes never got tired of taking in the city. It was gorgeous; to say the least. No doubt it was our capital. Mumbai roads were out of the easiest to remember; for it all went in a straight line. As long as you knew your North, South, East and West; you could steer through the city with ease. Delhi; however; seemed like a different ball game altogether. It was beyond just complicated.

I'd been to Delhi before; but didn't have a very vivid memory of its streets. And even if I did remember bits and pieces of it; it wasn't how it was today. The Samaj Seva Party was actually bringing a ton of changes; good or bad; only time would tell.

It was a great learning experience for us all; to work on such a huge project. Since it required a full Team participation; Veronica and Ishaan had come too. Our days would start at seven and continue till nine.

Our hotel was yet again; the Harotts for its tie up with SENSES and we were yet again given special treatment.

In my spare time; which wasn't much; I would continue with my quest for finding a source of funding for Dev's firm. I had brainstormed on a name; only to fall in love with one- Cups and Carpets. After weeks of research; I finally fell upon a concept I had never been aware of; Venture Capitalists. These were people; rich of course; who invested their money into start-ups with potential in exchange of equity in the company.

Venture Capitalists happened to be individuals who believed in taking risks; and that was exactly what we needed. I mean, he needed.

There was just one thing that would annoy Dev though; and that was the fact that they would have equal involvements in every decision of the company. Knowing Dev and his passion for his startup; he would probably not approve of sharing of power. But I trusted my abilities; I could convince him for a temporary compromise.

After a long and gruelling day at work; I seated myself in the Hotel's multi cuisine even before I changed out of my office wear. I was famished and I was sleep deprived. I was never the kind of person who liked to eat alone; but my brain was dead anyway.

"Ma'am..." the waiter said softly. I raised my brow at him only to find him utter rather doubtfully, "...you're holding the wrong menu."

I flipped the menu to see it was the mocktails menu card that I was seeing.

I sighed as I looked up at him; noticing how fairly handsome the guy was. He could be as old as me or a year younger and certainly didn't look like the waiter kind.

"Um...as is evident I'm a little too tired to think. Get me something to eat; anything that takes the minimum time." I requested; smiling at him.

"But ma'am; do you want Indian or..."

"...anything's fine with me..." I paused; gazing at his badge, "...Gaurav."

He gave me a mischievous smile at that; which I would probably have registered and brooded upon if I weren't that sleepy.

I nodded at him as I pulled my laptop out and focussed on the information I had gathered for Dev. If everything went okay; I would show him my research the next day.

I waited; and worked and sipped lots of water as I battled to keep my eyelids open. But I could feel the fatigue in every part of my body. My neck was hurting from my constant seating posture and if it were possible my butt felt sore too. I smelled worst than a dead mouse I was sure and I certainly didn't approve of the bird's nest that my hair had become.

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