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When I disengaged myself from Dev and walked towards Aakash; he was on the phone with someone.

"...it's okay I'll see what I can do....yeah I just met Aditi...she's good...."

My ears stood with alertness upon hearing my name. I didn't know what to do honestly; so I stood close to him; waiting for him to get done with the call. When he did; his back was still towards me; followed by a whole lot of swearing.


He turned around instantly; with a look of surprise.

"Aditi! Thank God you're here. I've been meaning to tell you that Arjun's been calling me a bunch of times lately..." My brows knit with worry all at once as he continued; "...Disha's missing."

Excuse me what?


"Yes! And Arjun's been so worried and I'd thought you'd know something about it so I rushed towards you after the wedding-"

"-Aaskash." I cut.

"...how can Disha even do something like that? Just disappear without informing anybody..."

I tried to interject but he was too worried to even be able to hear me. I sighed closing my eyes with frustration as I held him by his arms to shake him;

"Aakash! Disha's fine. She's with me; at my place."

There were obvious traces of stress on his face; and I looked at him up close noticing how it didn't suit his features. And then my brain chastised me for even thinking of that; who looks good under stress anyway?

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

I took a cautious step back; which he too noticed; as I justified; "She told me she came to meet me. I sensed she was lying but I was hoping she'd open up soon-"

"-wait. Arjun didn't tell you?"

"I...I haven't been in touch with anybody."

He looked stunned; and I watched him roll his eyes; appalled; "Can you for once be the first one to contact somebody Aditi?"

The anger that was building in me was consuming my strength to think. I wanted to shout at him and get rid of all the emotional baggage I had been carrying with myself all these years. But my mind said something else;

He's not worth it.

"I'm going home and please..." I paused; gazing at him caustically; "...keep this lecture of unity to yourself. I have a friend to take care of-"

"-do you even hear yourself? You've changed Aditi."

I have changed? Really?

"I'm going home Aakash. I wish I could say it was nice meeting you."

I knew I was overreacting. What did he do? Flirt a little; smile at me; things he'd always done. But I was getting angry with him in return of his bonhomie. It stunned me to even realize the amount of pent up anger I had within me.

The feeling was similar to the overwhelming feeling before one pukes. There was too much I wanted to speak; but my self respect or my ego; either of the two; didn't allow me to.

"Stop. I'm coming with you." I almost opened my mouth to protest when he spoke rather authoritatively; "And before you object; Disha is my friend too. I want to sort this out for them."

I almost rolled my eyes at him. HE was going to sort matters for someone? Someone who didn't have the guts to discuss one kiss that happened when he was sixteen?

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