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You'd think after an intense kiss like that; there would be no questions or confusions.


Terribly wrong.

Dev and I got so damned busy in the party that there was no time to even think about what happened back there.

We obviously had to get back to the party with our colleagues. There were long discussions on projects and business talks with potential clients. Many a times Dev would hint that he wanted me to join the conversation and I very shyly would; giving ideas and overall just back what he said. I was too new and inexperienced to contribute much.

When a cake was cut for celebrating our contract; we held the knife together; pretending to be as professional as we possibly could. But really; how professional can you be after a kiss like that?

I felt so uncomfortable to think I wanted to kiss him again.

But before that; I wanted answers.

What was that kiss for? Does this mean we are together? Can I kiss him again?

"Aditi." I heard a distant voice suddenly.


He was taking slow steps towards me; and though he was concealing it damn well; I could tell he was tipsy. Wine cannot do that. Which obviously meant he'd had too much to drink.

I jogged up to him as fast as I possibly could; putting my hand around his waist for support; to avoid any scene in public.

"Thanks." He smiled.

I gently dragged him to a close chair and seated him as I affirmed; quite pissed at this childlike behaviour,

"You're drunk."


His honesty had always fascinated me. He was out of those guys who would accept their fault without a hint of embarrassment; and despite how furious I was; I softened.

"It's okay. Let's get you home."

Mihir's gaze shifted to something behind me; a very philosophical look obvious. I then knew; he was thinking about Adrija.

I reached out for his palm that instant; and squeezed it lightly for assurance. He smiled in return; that cute yet charming smile that had once made me swoon.

"She wasn't wrong Aditi." He sighed.

When I looked at him with surprise he continued,

"...she was right on her part. I've been judging her and blaming her without even thinking what she must've been through...."

At this stage; it was too difficult for me to understand whether he was drunk and ranting or telling me something serious. I kept my ears alert still; listening to him very carefully. However, even before he would elaborate further; a man in an expensive black suit halted before us.

"Mihir." He sighed with a tinge of arrogance, "Aditi." He acknowledged next.

"Hello, Uncle. What a pleasant surprise!"

Mihir was clearly beyond just tipsy; he was drunk; way more drunk than he should've been; and my heart was racing so bad; I was worried I would faint.

"Sir to you; Mihir." Mr. Mukherjee stated, his lips forming a thin line.

"But why? You first met me as your daughter's boy-"

"-mistake." He corrected, even his fake smile disappearing behind his condescending glare. After a bit of a glaring round between the two; his gaze fell upon me and he spoke,

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